As the title says I want to create an rp that is wizard based. As for the plot or story, I am not sure yet but I would like to run some ideas with someone. Meaning I need someone to help me run this rp with me. I need people who are active on here. I understand we all have lives outside of RP but still you need to have some time to help me run the rp itself. I also need one of those admin's who is good with coding as I am not, I can update and fix rooms but as for making things look pretty, I am not the best at. So anyone out there that wants to help me with this idea? I got this all from BlackRabbit's Blog post. It will be in a school setting so please dont forget that, most likely we will create our own houses or not. I like the whole point system so I wish to work that in somehow. So any takers, if so comment below or send me a direct message and we can find a steady place off RPR to talk.
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