「míх」 Back + Changwook + me and challenges


Guess who's back after staying at a friend's place for 4 days instead of 2 hahaha I am seriously sorry for making everyone wait for my replies and not being any help as admin. I'll catch up in a bit once me and my beloved laptop reunite ^^

The reason for the long stay was as always bunge watching and daaamn I didn't think that Changwook was thaaaat hot until I saw him in suspicious partner. He was hot enough to make us drink a few times cuz that friend thought that it was a good idea to drink whenever someone was thirsty xD We ended up drinking mostly because of my friend though hahaha

I also realized something else... I at try not to laugh challenges and shouldn't agree to drinking every time I laugh. Reaaally bad idea lol

If you came that far... I swear I usually don't drink (that much) ^^;


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ssamja 7 years ago
u r c u t e <3
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