Why I Started Roleplaying... and Old Memories, 4k words of Memories

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Y'all ain't even ready for this. I give shoutouts in this so maybe you wanna read?

So, it started in the summer of 2013. That's when I got into kpop with some friends. We all had our favorite bands we started to stan a few months prior, mine being SHINee and VIXX. We started off on asianfanfics.net, as most of us have encountered by now, and read and wrote our own stories. We even started to ship some of our friends. While I was still reading and writing, one of my best friends at the time started roleplaying. I think she did start on here first, I could find her username if I really looked. A few months or weeks after, not sure exactly when she started, she told me about it. About how she was pretending be Jungkook, her fave at the time, and she was talking to a V and they were together and so sweet and what not.

I didn't actually get it at first. I was confused at how it was even being accomplished and it just sounded weird to me. I told her it was interesting but that I'd probably never do it. (spoiler alert!) I don't actully remember how I started it really. I think I tried it just for her when she showed it to me at the library and I made my own account, lizmny3, to be able to see what she was doing and stuff.

My first character was AJ from UKISS. I started out as a top and playing him was very fun. I was probably inspired by UKISS's DoraDora. My first relationship was AJ/Xander, a former member of UKISS for those who don't know. AJ was a new member at the time. I called him "Lex". Thinking about it makes me happy as it was a time where I could be fluffy and cuddly and stuff. This was when RPs that weren't rated M didn't even allow y times. But Lex and I were thinking about kids by the time the relationship ended because they weren't allowed to go on RPR anymore.

I played either AJ or Ken at the time, Ken was my switch/bottom character and AJ was my top. LOL, only had two muses ever. And I used to to use the same DPs for each ><. Young Kenyonce, get it together. I was apart of one nonau as Jimin a little after that, an animal hybrid one as fox hybrid as Ken. Those two really impacted me. Let's start with the hybrid one. SO, I was Ken and I was cute and confident little switch. I didn't sleep around as him really but he had a few best friends he could be himself with. He ended up falling for a Kris, who was human. This Kris fell for my Ken as well as a Hakyeon. Kris got us both pregnant, yes this had mpreg (trigger warning), but he couldn't let us both go so he asked if we could start a . And it was good, my first really fun that I was a switch in and it only ended when both Kris and Hakyeon went inactive, which happens but there were no bad memories to sour it. I still miss it at times. I ended up having the kid, naming him Daniel, and roleplaying with my character's bestie Jinyoung and someone else but I can't remember their character but I remember them. Telvia, aka one of my besties irl and online that I will never let go of and always defend as she's apart of my life tree.


The second rp mentioned, I'm forgetting the name but geez that kind of ed me up. So I was Jimin right? I was a bottom and it was like a romance based RP or something, I forget. I just remember being very good friends with Zhoumi, played by the illustrious Telvia,  and being friends with Hyungseok and Dohyeong. I was also friends with Donghae. He was very.. uh, flirty and Zhoumi did try to warn me as they had dated that Donghae and caused them problems and Donghae dated someone else and caused problems. Honestly, idk what I was thinking but I pursued him anyway. Then he rejected me :/ THEN he kissed me and wanted to take me out on a date. THEN he rejected me again saying he just wanted to know how it would feel. After that, I got with a Kikwang for a bit but it ended up not working out and a while after, Zhou and I left the rp.

I, also, as Ken got with a Zee Eye Co, who was played by grayfox but I didn't know them as well as I do now. It was one ofmy favorite RP couples. I think they turned me into a real bottom. Or at least they contributed. They had this really cool deadpool and spider-man DP as their user and that's when I started to talk to them before the RP closed. I was a biual Ken in this one school/college rp. I was an art teacher who was the basketball coach. My friend was Taehyung, which started my streak of having V's as besties. I almost got with a Jungha but that ended up not working out. I fell for a Chansung who was sooooo good at topping but there's some tea there that I won't spill. LOL. I ended up getting with a Myungsoo who was a soft top but I liked him a lot and we ended up marrying in the RP. I think it died by now actually but if I go back far enough I can still see the posts I had with Jungha and some others.

OH! I almost forgot, my favorite Ken pairing, well one of them. It was Ken and Daehyun. I miss them so much but I doubt I'd be the same kind of Ken but I miss them. So, I was Ken and I was a little bit of flirt and stuff but I was super sweet because das me. I got into sort of a love triangle thing where I had to choose between Daehyun and Bang Minsoo. They were both like the sweetest things but I chose one, ultimately. Ken and Daehyun were ing cute. They went on actual dates and roleplayed and they got puppies, Hannah and Harvey and they got married and they were cute and had bath time together and I just miss them. I forget who my besties were for this one but I had like a list.

Later down the line, the great Telvia and some others were running two ing amazing rps. One was QnQ, I forget the actual name it was a HPRP, and Hospital. There was pandabeardance and jjongpuppy and I think two others. But this admin team was A1. In the HPRP, I was Ken, and I dated around and made lots of friends. Usually Telvia's characters as we were getting to be really close friends. Ken was a switch. At first, he dated Leo and it was perfect. I actually had to win him over as he was the perfect Leo who wasn't a soft, shy easy bottom but he was soft and hard and you had to earn his trust to be able to get close to him. I loved that about the relationship. But then we went inactive. Then Ken was played by a V and got his heart broken, he was a flirt and an . BUT THEN, there was beautiful Yongguk. He was sweet and cared for me and we went on dates. He was honestly my favorite Yongguk I’ve ever rped with. He was the sweetest. In this HPRP, they had these game nights once a month. Riddles and Hangman and rando scavanger hunts. I used to do so well at hangman that the person who ran it would get mad at me for knowing so much. The games were run by the Hogwarts House ghosts. Riddles were run by the Grey Lady, Hangman by Nearly Headless Nick. There was a winter ball and it was just so fun. I’m sad it went inactive.


HOSPITAL. That was a ing great rp. I was like fifty million people in this roleplay man. There was no limit on characters after a while, you just had to keep them active. There were a good set of rules, even a no cheating one that was like “we have no way of knowing ourselves, but if it comes to our attention with proof, youll be kicked out and black listed”. I was Ken at first. He was like the equivalent of an OB/GYN for the rp as, yes, it was mpreg. He got with a Taemin who was a nurse and I loved them so much. They were played by PrinxzTA3MIN and I was enamoured. This Ken wsa actually supposed to be at the very least a switch but I stayed a top for my love and it was the best damn relationship I’ve ever had that started from pure scratch. Like I’ve had a lot of really great relationships but this one, , this one. This one, man. Two years to them, married and with kids on the way and I looked forward to his posts the whole time and he was my Taemin and I was his puppy Dr y Puppy Jae was my name as that’s what I was to him. . Other relationships I had that I loved were Won Jong Jin and Park Hyungseok. They were both switches, ending up getting pregnant at the same time. I think I was Hyungseok. I think. Or was I Jong Jin. Idk, but my parter in this was the amazing daftbearaveo, another part of my life tree. Another was a I had where I was Yongguk and I was with Han Jinho and Luhan. They were the cutest things and I had to top both of them and they were mine and kkkkk. Jinho was played by kittenonaroll, Luhan was played by… some other cutie but they went inactive a lot. I think it was brittany something. I’m currently dating one of kittenonaroll’s Jinho’s now again. A1 rper. Love her. Another was when I played Lee Joon who was FTM transgender who was getting his ual reassignment surgery and that’s how he met his boyfriend turned husband, who was his doctor, Chansung. He was played by IzumiNeko, another part of my life tree and jesus y’all should rp with her if you like crazy y times. Though her schedule literally just got a busier schedule but if you can, hit her up. Yes, Izu, if you read this, I’m still your pimp. ^^


Hospital was great, I’m sad it went was deleted. My heart goes out to it. After that, for a bit I didn’t join any new rps. I was in one masterxslave one that had one of the greatest plots like ever. It was….. Amethyst. I was Jisoo, a real cute amd fluffy one because I rped him before pre-debut and I still had the image of cute and not too confident Jisoo but I was always confident. ANYWAY, I was besties with Hanbin. I had this plot with Changmin, he has multiple personalities in the rp and one of his more aggressive ones, Max, took Jisoo into a room but didn’t have , at first a. Instead, they sat by the fire and talked a little. The slave characters would sit in the cold hallways, or at least that’s how Hanbin and I rped it. So Max warmed him up, giving him his suit jacket as the slaves were until they were owned. Then, after, Max asked him if they wanted to have and only then did it happen and it was quite nice. Max was super nice to him and took him to his house away from the mansion and Jisoo was starting to fall for him. Me and Hanbin’s rper discussed this jealousy plot because Max like hated Hanbin, and I think !!!!(trigger warning)!!! booprapedboop Hanbin and Max’s first personality, Changmin took over and took care of Hanbin and Hanbin fell for Changmin and wanted Max to like him but didn’t and Max was sweet to Jisoo and Hanbin didn’t like that. BUT THEN Jong Jin, played by PCYBaby, another life tree addition, stepped in and ed it all up and mad Jisoo fall for him and it was really a hard decision but I ultimately picked Jong Jin. And then Jisoo met Changmin and they talked about how Max was only ever sweet to Jisoo and Changmin didn’t know everything that happened because Max hid the memories from him so Jisoo didn’t tell Changmin everything because it wasn’t something Max wanted Changmin to know and as Jisoo still cared for him, he wasn’t about to betray that. It ended up going inactive and everyone left and stuff but I still rp that same couple, Jisoo and Jong Jin now just in a different place.

During the summer of 2016, I took from public rps and me,
Telvia, daftbearaveo, and IzumiNeko made a private rp for the four of us to do some plots. That’s basically all I did that summer, plus a few other private plots with each of them and the Jong Jin and Jisoo. We had a gangau plot where I was Myungsoo who was some plain guy who got into a relationship with a gang leader’s second hand man and was friends with the rival gang’s leader. There was a supernatural hybrid animal school plot were I was Ken as a bunny hybrid, he was dating a dragon hybrid and was friends with a vampire. There was a Harry Potter uni plot where I was Jisoo, a werewolf who ended up dating a human and was brothers with another werewolf who was dating the other human. The last one wsa a Avatar the Last Airbender au where we all had a foursome. I was Dongho, a water bender. We never actually got that far in that plot but yeah.


In August, before I moved into my dorm, I joined a few more RPs. Prelude, Living in the House and To Infinity and Beyond. With prelude, I was Jisoo, and still am and it was fun. I made some friends there, met some old ones. I just realized I’ve been there for a year LOL. Nothing to talk about too much here. I dated a Taec who was so sweet til he ghosted on me but I wasn’t all that hurt. Then I started talking to Yugyeom and he changed Jisoo for the better. They started dating one day before Jisoo’s birthday and they danced together and talked comic books and he bought Jisoo french fries and just yes. My besties there are Jax, Daewon, Sunggyu, and Jimin. I also play Taeil but he’s a second chara who has a simple yes amazing love with Jaebum and is friends with Dohyeong. There was a slight issue when the mass tags was released because someone was rude about not wanting to be mass tagged and I tried to be nice and say “you don’t have to be so mean about it. 98% of the rp ignores them anyway” and then there was an amusing back and forth that ended with them being like “well.. Shut up” and blocked me. Eh, it was amusing.

I was Siyoung first in TIaB. My first time playing a rapper, the only reason was because I was watching No Mercy and he was adorable as a producer and then I looked him up more and I had to rp him after that. It was fun playing him, I had a crush on the Daehyun there for like two months before The CJamm there and I started to date and go together, eventually getting married. Honestly, that relationship was super fun and I loved it. I was sad to see it go with the rp along with all the friends and family I made there but I’ve reconnected with some and that’s all I needed. I was Yuzuru Hanyu next and I ended up dating a Hakyeon. Hakyeon was two other people and I literally freaked out when I realized. That was a cute relationship that I just started to re-RP with the same person. Then I played Gray who got together with Jay Park and LOL this was the most hilairous relationship I’ve ever been in. #garlicbread for those who know. Shoutout to MISON, Taehyung, Namubro/Jaybabes, Seollady, Jessi-mom, Daesang, En/Sungjong, BamBam/Minhyuk and Honk bro who made it worth while.

The other RP I joined, Living in The House, happy 2 year anniversary rp <3, I joined as Hoseok. He’s the only memorable one. He was a switch, I made him a pediatricitian/ nerd in school/ workaholic until this show type of character. His best friend from then and now is Taehyung, a.k.a. allgame. Original Movie Buddy.  At first he started dating a Kihyun. It was nice at first but they started one-lining me. I asked them nicely if they could up the line count because I don’t do one line no thanks. They did and it was fine for a bit and then it just… boring. Hoseok just didn’t having feelings for him anymore and so he told Kihyun they were breaking up. And you know what Kihyun said? He was like, “ well i had a big surprise for you but I guess you won’t know it now” and like, of course it was a baby like duh. But you see, we never discussed kids and unplanned pregnancies or ones to try and trap me are a nono. So I read the rules and he didn’t have enough points for one, you have to have 3000 points or posts to be able to have kids in the RP, so I told the admin, CJamm bless your soul, and it was all done and behind me. I still tell the story though. Then there was another relationship, a with a Jong Jin and a Siwon. That… that’s a lot of baggage. It started okay, I was only friends with Jong Jin and Jong Jin had this thing going on with Siwon. But I tend to fall for friends so I fell for Jong Jin but it was hush hush for a bit. We were flirty friends so there wasn’t anything suspicious right? But then there was a conversation that developed into y times in the public spam room, it was allowed. And then Siwon saw it and, I was told this after, he got jealous and decided to join. So there was y times and it was fun and great. Then in private, I did confess to Jong Jin and Siwon was there and we talked about becoming a couple as Siwon and I both liked Jong Jin and at some point we knew we could get together. But Jong Jin said he wouldn’t be able to stand to see Siwon and Hoseok together and since I was essentially the third wheel, Jong Jin and Siwon. So Jong Jin and I continue to just be friends and I get bitter about Siwon but being friends with Jong Jin was okay for me. We would have movie nights that were innocent until they became less and less innocent. I don’t actually remember if Jong Jin and Siwon were official yet but once I saw their names up on the list, I like told Jong Jin we should stop as it wasn’t fair to Siwon no matter how bitter I was. But Jong Jin wanted me to stay so I did for about another week and then Jong Jin dropped /me/ with the “I love you but I’m in love with him”. So we didn’t really talk after that as it really freaking hurt to be told that. So Hpseok started to date someone else until I missed being friends with Jong Jin even though he still hurt him. And then Jong Jin asked me and Siwon if we would stll do the as he couldn’t stand not being with the both of us. Siwon and I were wary because we didn’t want to try for something just for it to fall apart because Jong Jin realized again that he couldn’t see us together. But it actually turned out okay for a while. More than okay, actually. All three of us were happy for a while until we started to have problems with Jong Jin, both Siwon and I. Siwon and I together didn’t have any problems. It was alright. Siwon was on hiatus and I was losing muse and we differences on what constitutes as a date or hanging out and Jong Jin wanted to break up with Siwon and then wanted to break up with me. Siwon and I tried to calm him down and ask why he wanted to break up and to not do it. Like we begged, or at least I know I did. I was like, agonzing over this.. And there was a whole slew of reasons as to why it ended but it did. And it really hurt. Siwon and I hurt over this for like a month or two while we watching Jong Jin be perfectly fine and date other guys and stuff. Jong Jin came to my wall and apologized for what happened but “only to make myself feel better. I’m tired of feeling guilty for this.” Which, I guess is a reason to apologize but it was just the most insincere thing I’ve ever read and I haven’t talked to them until about a week ago when they pmed me and apologized for real. Which I appreciated and I still don’t talk to them because not falling down that can of worms. Siwon ended up leaving RPR, I think to be with his irl family. Hoseok is now going on relationship number three which I have hopes for.


That’s all the really important stuff. I'm prolly missing like a couple important peeps but this is long enough. Y’all should join my rps Purr For Me, Let’s Talk About , Baby, Paradise, Shinee ery (not open yet, and Happy Fun Times, an rp for moving couples.


I’ll be real surprised if you guys actually read this through. 15,178 words. :D





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tart-torte 7 years ago
I love your ing face.
glitterbomb 7 years ago
why do all of these rps sound so familiar, this was a fun read.
honestly, i only remember 2 of my characters and they were deleted over a year ago.
i wish i could get into characters and rps like i used to, i'm a bit jealous.
Chinese_BL_Love 7 years ago
Forever my pimp, love you lots bunny!
Glad to be part of your life tree, just as you are part of mine
but for real though, you are so ing sweet! ^^
MaleWifey 7 years ago
e u e thank you
geulimja 7 years ago
"I was Yuzuru Hanyu next and I ended up dating a Hakyeon. Hakyeon was two other people and I literally freaked out when I realized. That was a cute relationship that I just started to re-RP with the same person."

Oh my heart- Ily bby~ <33
WitchyBunny 7 years ago
Damn dude...you hit me in the feels soooo hard I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
xicewolf 7 years ago
Jessi-mom sends you tons of love!!!!

I'm really surprised we never ran into each other before infinity though. But wow, and I thought I had some crazy stories. Thank you for taking the time to tell us all your story though Darling <33333
plankton 7 years ago
This made me cry thinking thinking back to 2013-

Good times, mate-

I kinda miss the old rpr layout. It made notifs more exciting
daftbearaveo 7 years ago
Hospital was life
LilacTears 7 years ago
I realized I actually banged you in a few rps. c;

xtokibabyzx 7 years ago
Eep I love youuuuu~
motionless 7 years ago
I remember Hospital! I never knew it gotten deleted though! I believe I was Taemin or either Kai there at least once, and I didn't stay for a while. I was one out of the two characters.
1069516efe8cb1773899 7 years ago
ah my hearteu
thank you ; ;
i love you giriman
ssamja 7 years ago
lmao i read it all but i still have no idea what's going on *RBEICEKD*
cauchemar 7 years ago
yo this is sweet af
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