The Concept of Plotting and why it Doesn't Work for Me (rant)

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Tags rant 

Screw layouts for a second. Let's hope some of this makes just a bit of sense in the least.

I've been thinking for these past few days (as you all can see by the random posts) and it just hit me. The very reason why I have lost all will and interest in RPing these days- plotting. Google says "Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story or the main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a sequence. The structure of a novel depends on the organization of events in the plot of the story.". And I'm not gonna lie, it sounds a bit confusing to me but that's because I hate english and writing and will always hate english and writing. However I it up because I like to RP every now and then. 
Now here's where my problem is; Plotting is just another word for planning. I don't even plan my own life's interactions out, so the very concept of planning out my character's is what throws me off. Now I understand the use and need of plotting from a writers standpoint and such but when it comes to roleplaying in certain situations, the way some people go so in depth with their plots, I don't get it. When someone is writing a plot on rpr, it almost seems like your character's life is already mapped out. I don't know about you guys, but I enjoy handling the unknown. I don't mind a couple major highlights of their interactions that someone may be expecting (like marriage or a big car accident), but handing out things like how my character is going to feel and react is like writing the whole story yourself, just minus the dialogue.
When I join an rp, I'm imagining that this is the set up environment. I have built my character to live in this environment as if it were a real world so now my expectations for his interactions are endless but realistic. Once his profile of his existance in this world has been established, I'm off to look at what others have built. Now the information in their profile is for me to know. However, if my character is not already in some sort of established relationship (i.e. friends or someting) then he or she is clueless. The two will be complete strangers to each other even if we plotted their meeting to lead them somewhere later on. EVEN WITH PLOTTING, I treat my characters as personal life forms. They have their own personality and emotions which lead them to their own reactions to situations. SO EVEN IF IT'S BEEN PLOTTED, it will always be possible that my character may or may not go down that paved path. 

What I wish for RPR is for everyone to break out of this odd structure that was some how built over time and actually see the world of rp-ing a little bit different. detatch yourself and actually envelope your character into the world they're in. Interact with common sense, logic, real emotions and sensible time frames. I think the world of RPR can be better than it is now. Especially with AU rps. I think if we all just think a little more openly and for our characters, allot of muses may come back and some may be inspired to plot more interesting stories together.

( this is just a rant but I do enjoy others input so comment below if you got something to say or add to this.)


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sonathea 7 years ago
I don't think you "plotted" to know how it goes down. But I apologize if I judged wrong. I do agree its misdefined with the wrong term but its gone way too to re-word it now.:/ I used to phrase it as brainstorming/planning but now I got accustomed to it. But from my experience, plotting is never really plotting to the point you make an entire plot. It really can be just vague prompt and people can still roll something out. Majority of it is still winging it and allowing creativity to still float. I completely understand your point about it. I once was given an entire plot and didn't give me room to breathe so I left it entirely. Sometimes plotting really helps paint the AU clearly and you'd sometimes need to communicate with your partner if you want to call for a time skip sometimes.
puddin 7 years ago
I get that completely tbh. Though some times I don't mind plotting the begging, like the initial meeting and what the relationship starts off as. Like meeting in a cafe during a storm and binding over coffee. But after that, I like winging it from there because no one knows exactly what'll happen in life. And besides, plotting the WHOLE thing makes it boring after a while. Like if j know what exactly is going to happen, there's nothing for me to be excited for when it comes to waiting for a reply
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