Stop This Mess

Tags stopthismess 

On mobile but y'all apparently need this message. When you make multiple accounts to deter drama, that's okay. When you make it for private role plays so you don't clutter yourself, that's okay. BUT when you make it to basically catfish people, that's not okay. Don't lie and play some undercover boss . That's not cute. I mean, usually people don't like to be lied to. Usually. Maybe that's just me. I dunno. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ On some real though, you lose friends like that. How is anyone supposed to trust you? "I like to be criticized." Pfft, how about you go talk to your friends like a normal, sane person would and ask, eh? Everyone has flaws. No one on Earth is without them. I'm not droppin' names or anything but y'all needed this to be said, apparently since people keep doing it. 


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WitchyBunny 7 years ago
*holds up my hand with a hanky* amen, amen! Preach is sister, glory hallelujah! *does a little dance*
LilacTears 7 years ago
Who's bothering my babe? :<
bangnaruto 7 years ago
TRUTH. This needs to stop
levanter 7 years ago
i always make second accounts but i dont tell people who i am, though i also dont hide my identity. is that considered the catfishing thing?
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