Emotional Turmoil

Tags emotions 

I can't be the only one here who likes to put  my characters in some sort of emotional turmoil. Something to have not only the character crying, but their lover and myself. Its sick but its what keeps that spark of interest that makes me want to reply and for the other to reply back.

When things are to easy, bland and okay all the time. Its boring.

I like making others bleed, cry, fight

Just to get something going.

I mean why not?

Sure I sound like some crazy but hey I'm pretty sure all of you have done something like this. 

So can't talk .

And you truly haven't...well must be really innocent or....

So...if you see my characters ing up.

Don't stop me.


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jubilant 11 years ago
Am I the only one that doesn't do that?
chanyoyoyeol 11 years ago
I do the same when things get boring!
Robertisthebest 11 years ago
Agree with u!
lovelybunny 11 years ago
Sadista necesitas ayuda~
Psylocke-- 11 years ago
Im the same way! XD
myotterprince 11 years ago
I do that all the time
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