All Open Taken Masterlist of Characters View: Groups Table Description Rules Masterlist Announcements Yami's Palace before and * Click on headers to sort Character Played By Group Akito Kaiba (APPLY) Bakura Akefia (APPLY) Carrie Bakura (APPLY) chemistry teacher (APPLY) history teacher (APPLY) Isis Ishtar (APPLY) Joey Wheeler (APPLY) Kelly Gardner (APPLY) Malik Ishtar (APPLY) Maly Ishtar (APPLY) Mary (APPLY) math teacher (APPLY) Military general and king Yami's friend Marik (APPLY) Mokuba (APPLY) Nina T. Taylor (APPLY) P.E teacher (APPLY) Priestess Ishizu (APPLY) principal (APPLY) Royal family researcher and friend Seto (APPLY) Ryou Bakura (APPLY) Sakura Kaiba (APPLY) Sara Wheeler (APPLY) science teacher (APPLY) Seto's sister Bullax (APPLY) Tea Gardner (APPLY) Tristan T. Taylor (APPLY) Ushio (APPLY) ushio member 1and2 (APPLY) Vampire King Yami (APPLY) Vampire Princess Tsuki (APPLY) Villain Dark (APPLY) Villain Kyoya (APPLY) Villain leader Duke (APPLY) Villain soldiers (APPLY) Villain Vanitas (APPLY) Xion Akefia (APPLY) Yami's butlers (APPLY) Yami's maids (APPLY) Yugi Motou (APPLY) Yuki Motou (APPLY)