Personal Message





Jaejoong was always interested in people who were... Different. Ever since he was a child, he'd automatically been drawn to those that weren't like everyone else. They fascinated him. After graduating college, he got a unique opportunity. He was given a position to work in his first mental home. He quickly found out that he loved the job. He worked there for a while and eventually met someone named Han; his favorite patient. He fell in love with him, and they dated for six months. Han was even improving. However, Han was shot and killed when another patient attempted to escape. Jaejoong was of course devastated and was never quite the same. Then he got a letter, telling him to come to another asylum. It looked even better than where he was, so he packed his bags and, well, here he is.


Jaejoong is more than a little devious. He likes to lure people in. He likes making people want him, but he won't give in too easily. He plays games and tricks. It's hard to figure him out, but it's worth it if you do. He can be sweet when he wants to be, and he can be playful too. Do you think you can crack him~?


NAME : CHARACTER : AVAILABILITY Nec nulla nec integer, a vitae sodales, vitae mattis sed porttitor at aenean semper. Arcu faucibus. Est mauris pellentesque pellentesque mi, nunc consectetuer sit amet orci, sed magna eget in adipiscing, eros vivamus quam, velit maecenas adipiscing sit torquent pretium. Nulla pretium auctor, neque magna magnam proin interdum. Integer amet tortor interdum vestibulum ac, erat scelerisque rutrum, quam sollicitudin. In interdum eget vel nec elit. Ut sed augue vitae consectetuer. 

NAME : CHARACTER : AVAILABILITY Nec nulla nec integer, a vitae sodales, vitae mattis sed porttitor at aenean semper. Arcu faucibus. Est mauris pellentesque pellentesque mi, nunc consectetuer sit amet orci, sed magna eget in adipiscing, eros vivamus quam, velit maecenas adipiscing sit torquent pretium. Nulla pretium auctor, neque magna magnam proin interdum. Integer amet tortor interdum vestibulum ac, erat scelerisque rutrum, quam sollicitudin. In interdum eget vel nec elit. Ut sed augue vitae consectetuer. 

NAME : CHARACTER : AVAILABILITY Nec nulla nec integer, a vitae sodales, vitae mattis sed porttitor at aenean semper. Arcu faucibus. Est mauris pellentesque pellentesque mi, nunc consectetuer sit amet orci, sed magna eget in adipiscing, eros vivamus quam, velit maecenas adipiscing sit torquent pretium. Nulla pretium auctor, neque magna magnam proin interdum. Integer amet tortor interdum vestibulum ac, erat scelerisque rutrum, quam sollicitudin. In interdum eget vel nec elit. Ut sed augue vitae consectetuer. 









maze - by jaejoong. 








TAKEN - 3/30/16


The Trustworthy~




NAME: Jung Yunho

TAKEN SINCE: 3/30/16


Yunho, honestly when we first met I thought you were one of the most annoying s on the planet. Even so, you wouldn't leave me alone. You were always around, and I got used to your presence. You always seemed to know what to do and say to make my face go red and stay that way for a while. If I started to get a handle on myself, then you'd say something to make me blush again. As I spent more time with you and learned more about you, I began to grow fond of you to the point where you're my weakness now.

As for what I love most about you... I could talk forever about it. I love your smile and how you love to see me smiling. I love how sweet you are. You always seem to sense when I'm upset and you immediately make things better for me, even if you don't outwardly notice any difference. I love how cheesy and mushy you are. I complain a lot, but I absolutely love it, so don't you dare stop. I love how you think I'm the greatest gift to you, though I don't see how since I'm so mean to you. That brings me to the fact that I love how weird you are. You're always doing or saying something weird, and it makes my day to hear them.

I'm so in love with you Yunnie; I never want to lose you.