Personal Message



ren || minki || 21 || single || bottom || doctor || scorpio || orignial 

about me

It feels like a broken mask

 Ren prefers to forget about a majority of his past, and only lives in the present, and looks forwards towards the future. His entire family were involved in medicine or science in one way or another, so you could say his talent and profession of being a doctor at such a young age isn't a surprise. He has many talents in the medical and scientific fields and is a huge brainiac, and has immaculate health, which may be one of the reasons his DNA was used to make clones, and one of the reasons he was chosen to be apart of the mission to colonize a new planet. After all, nothing is more important than medical care in society, especially new ones. The details of his past are pretty blurry to him, after spending so much time in a high-stress environment for over a year now on the new planet, his old life feels like it was centuries ago. He changed his name from Minki to Ren before going on the mission.

Being an only child his personality is a little hard to get along with at times. He is very introverted, but that doesn't mean he is shy or awkward, just prefers to be left alone for the most part, and usually doesn't have much to say. He can be a bit arrogant at times and he has hard time sharing with others or doing anything resembling teamwork. Ren hates it when his personal space is invaded, even if its just a little, and its the quickest way to make him irritated.Despite his aloof and reserved nature, he has a bit of a hot-headed streak and tends to over-react at times. He rarely has outburst though, and usually keeps his feelings and thoughts to himself. He does have a reputation of being manipulative and a little selfish, especially considering the situation everyone is in now, but he has a doctors sense of duty to the sick and injured, but other than that, he would do anything to save his own skin. He has a sensitive and emotional streak and is easily hurt by others words or actions, but again, he keeps that to himself and is the type to prefer to cry alone in secret. He can be a bit childish with his jealousy and anger. 





you’re a beautiful trap, your smile is dangerous


I feel like I remember you from somewhere

SOOHYUK — Vivamus vulputate velit ut eros iaculis, in viverra est aliquet. Pellentesque eget urna leo. Nunc at ligula eget sem eleifend vulputate eu eu enim. Donec elementum tincidunt eros.
KAI — Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In ultrices nunc at tempus venenatis. Curabitur risus lectus, consequat vel eleifend nec, tempor id ante.
NAME — Nam fermentum, ante vel feugiat malesuada, neque justo imperdiet enim, eget semper ante neque nec metus. Phasellus volutpat nulla varius, tempor ex at, aliquet tortor.
NAME — Quisque condimentum nec arcu eu venenatis. Duis ornare nisi gravida, ultrices lectus a, posuere orci. Fusce orci sapien, pellentesque quis bibendum in, tempor et erat. Mauris tempus mattis ex, vel pulvinar purus auctor id. Suspendisse vehicula mi ac nisl consectetur, eu ullamcorper tellus fringilla.