Personal Message
certainly a tragedy
I know exactly what I want and who I want to be.
Jinah is the daughter of an ex-vampire hunter on her father's side, and a mother who is half red blood and half blue blood. Her father's entire family have been vampire hunters for generation, but he has decided, as the last of his line that he wants to protect his son and daughter. So he retires when he meets his wife, and when they have children, he never reveals to them the truth about the supernatural world, believing it will save his children from the "curse" of their family. Now he is the Chairman of a chain of hospitals and research facilities through out the country, and her mother is an artist who is constantly sick due to her mixed blood. Jinah has a twin brother, who is a drug addict and hardly ever home, while she is the pride and joy of the family in the wake of her twins failures and shortcomings. Not surprisingly she is interested in getting into the medical world, and is going to school to be a trauma surgeon.
Morbi et lobortis dui, sit amet scelerisque justo. Vivamus ullamcorper erat in malesuada gravida. Nulla ex quam, tempor eget metus quis, sollicitudin faucibus arcu. Duis venenatis enim nec sem vulputate, ac mollis risus elementum. Phasellus bibendum ex sed viverra scelerisque. Vestibulum varius, lectus ut dictum efficitur, odio nisl sollicitudin sem, vel consequat nisi risus vel nisi. Proin interdum libero et sapien pretium posuere. Fusce eu ligula ut odio scelerisque luctus. Nam laoreet neque et sem blandit, quis luctus eros placerat. Phasellus pulvinar suscipit lorem ullamcorper congue. Phasellus pulvinar fringilla leo, in lobortis diam iaculis ut.
TV taught me how to feel, now real life has no appeal.
i'm wrong
Don't do love, don't do friends, I'm only after success.
My Soulmate
I fell like i'm the worst so i always act like i'm the best
3rd POV
One track mind, one track heart, if i fail i'll fall apart
So don't you want to kill me?|Closed|M|
For decades you have been picking off the members of Jinah's family, ever since they killed your brother/sister/lover/etc, you have extracted your revenge by killing every member of the family but one, leaving that one to make their own family, where you repeat the cycle of killing them all but one. Jinah's father has retired from being a hunter, and has decided not to tell his daughter about the family business of vampire hunting, believing the family is cursed. He was the sole survivor of his murdered parents and siblings, and now that he has a family and two children, its time to kill him, his wife, and all his kids but one. You always spare the male child in the family, so that they carry on the line, but you meet Jinah before hand and don't know she is apart of the hated Im family, and you grow to like her platonically/romantically, what happens when you discover her true bloodline? If you tell her the truth, will she forgive you? Will you go ahead and kill her family and leave her alive? Or is it time to break this cycle of revenge?
optional;; you kill her family first and she comes home during it, which has never happened before, but you can't kill her since she is supposed to carry on the family line so you can kill her and her own family later on in life. However, she goes after you and tries to make your life hell for killing her family.
Title of Plot
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