Personal Message
 now playing:  
EL DORADO- by exo
❝ Paint with all the colors of the wind. love with all the shades in your heart. what a beautiful world it is.   
He has a love for bright colors, the scent of flowers and sunlight. He tends to not take life too seriously, and he isn't really one for violence. Unfortunately he was an only child, and the duty of carrying on his family line fell directly onto his shoulders. You wouldn't know that by talking to him though. He is in no hurry to have a family, or learn, do homework, get a job, function in society. He does everything at his own pace and in his own time. As an artist at heart and on canvas he has amazing talents, but he never displays them when there's a deadline involved. He is a very free spirit who hates being confined in anyway. A very very passive aggressive soul who rebels in small ways with a sweet and lazy smile.

Being an alpha hasn't changed his outlook on life. He's lazy, forgetful, prefers flowers to people more often than not, and has a very interesting talent for disappearing if there's conflict. He doesn't like to fight, no physically or verbally, he's entirely too much of a whimsical soul for those kinds of things. However, this is the one area of himself that being an alpha does change.

Once he goes into Rut it's like a switch is flipped inside him. Not only will he challenge anyone and everyone who so much as looks at him wrong, he isn't afraid to grab and omega and slam them against the nearest surface. This is also the only time he will proactively get his work done, and shows any interest at all in his future. Once his Rut ends though, he mellows back out and generally has trouble remembering what happened during his Rut. His memories are always hazy if he has any at all.
friends & fams:
The ones who stuck by me through thin and thick, my precious friends ♥
plots & prompts:

Used & Abused | OMEGA/BETA | OPEN You were unlucky enough to come across Takashi during his Rut. Before that you barely knew him, you had classes with him, or maybe you were one of his teachers, either way he was always quiet. Sitting in the back of the class and day dreaming, sketching in a book he always kept with him. The few times you did talk to him it was only a few words, and he always spoke like he his mind was off somewhere else. He didn't seem dangerous, so when he was suddenly there and you were alone you didn't think he would hurt you. You didn't realize he was in Rut until it was too late though, and he took something precious from you that night. He left you bruised, exhausted, and completely alone. It took nearly a week before you worked up the courage to confront him about it, but when you finally did he held no memories of that night at all. Naturally you're furious. He hurt you, and now he's claiming he doesn't remember? What if you were in heat? What if there's a possibility you're pregnant now? Or worse, what if that was your ity he took? Perhaps you were promised to someone else already? Whatever the situation, will you let him get away with what he did?

King of Procrastination | any rank| OPEN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Name | Male/female | OPEN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Name | Male/female | OPEN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Name | Male/female | OPEN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Nullam sed finibus sem. Donec convallis metus ac metus auctor, ac malesuada ante faucibus. Integer pulvinar rhoncus auctor. Pellentesque laoreet lacus a fermentum efficitur. Duis convallis mauris sapien, vitae porttitor nunc facilisis eu. Fusce sagittis varius convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. 
The one and only:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Nullam sed finibus sem. Donec convallis metus ac metus auctor, ac malesuada ante faucibus. Integer pulvinar rhoncus auctor. Pellentesque laoreet lacus a fermentum efficitur. Duis convallis mauris sapien, vitae porttitor nunc facilisis eu. Fusce sagittis varius convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam in ex nec turpis venenatis euismod a nec ex. Aenean id scelerisque orci. Phasellus leo libero, viverra eu ante vitae, scelerisque sollicitudin justo. Sed dignissim justo non arcu vulputate imperdiet. Duis varius fermentum elit, id tincidunt urna molestie semper. Nunc velit ante, tincidunt nec velit ac, tincidunt sodales nibh. Mauris egestas eros leo, non scelerisque tortor viverra quis.