Personal Message



Kim Joonmyun


► ual Position: Switch.  He can top or bottom, though he doesn't think he can get it up

► Relationship Status: Single

► Likes: Reading, Singing, Rain, Flowers

► Dislikes: Fire, eating, people crying


My Lover



 No one yet...



The Trustworthy

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Joonmyun sees dead people.  In fact, he's dead himself, or at least that's what he believes.  His family was burned alive in a house fire.  Joonmyun was the only survivor.  The firemen found him passed out under his mother's corpse.  When he woke up in the hospital, he was so overcome with greif that he someone mangaged to convince himself that he died in the fire too.  Since that day, he also see the ghosts of his family and talks to them.  He believes he is dead and that his body is rotting. He thinks he is a walking corpse that is only still around because there is something he is destined to do before he can move on, though he doens't know what it is yet.  He rufuses to eat or drink, and is anorexic.  Because of this, he is often hooked up to IVs to keep him hydrated.  He is a friendly patient and is in no way harmful. He wouldn't hurt a fly.