Personal Message


Jisoo (lawyer, demonpal -- accessing mind?)

Maimi (.., succubus -- can't access mind?)

Minha (.., angel, known her when alive, toying now: @cafe -- can access mind when destabilizing)

Hyuna (.., human, flirt -- accessing mind?)

Jolin (client, human, make her come back all the time, twisting her mind -- accessing mind.)

JB (street perf, angel, should be a demon, toying soon -- accessing mind?)


Name: Jinwoo
Age: 25
Orientation: BI
Timezone: GMT+1
Specy: DEMON



Jinwoo doesn't count his acts anymore. He tortures and enslaves a few humans to keep track of his acts, as one would expect of an Incubus. According to the folklore, the Incubus was invented to cover unwanted pregnancies, , and sublimated libido. Jinwoo never even tried to pass for anything else,he used the folklore, developing it and terrorizing. He is a demon torturing for leisure, assaulting for pleasure and using humans as dolls for his own entertainment.

His sin is tormenting humans and conspiracy. He can project himself in a terror or give the illusion of another person to manipulate his victim's perception. He takes pleasure in torturing mentally his victims and maintains the practice of sleep paralysis by sitting on top of his victims to play with them or lures them with his charms and looks to make their biggest fears come true once they trust him.


- lulls nubile young men and women and seduces them to torture them or manipulate them;
- rides on the chests of humans while they sleep, giving them bad dreams and sleep paralysis;
- appears for nights abd deteriorates his victims' health, leading to suicide; - gives visual hallucinations.


- Steel;
- Sacred objects and places;
- Angels: he can't get into their head but he can torment them by harassing the humans they care for.


Jinwoo is very confident, discreet and calm. He is good at wooing and can be a sweetheart to attract a victim. He finds interest in anything torturing someone and will thrive on one's fears and weakness while acting friendly once the sun rises. He is two faced and doesn't mind being exposed because he lures for every single opportunity to weight on one's chest and terrorize.