Personal Message

♥ - jae


a habitual Life (Ch.1)
    Taehyung had a customary upbringing. The overprotective mother, the intimidating father, the star student siblings. The family were upstanding members of the upper class neighborhood in the middle of Seoul. His days consisted of unabating study sessions that only ceased for food, bathroom breaks, sleep, and the breaking points of mental exhaustion when Taehyung couldn’t help but put the book down and gaze out his window, just wondering what the other kids in his class would be doing. He craved for any form of social interaction outside of his family, however; that wasn’t ever possible with his stringent father. His father wanted what was best for his children, no matter the cost. His father had the impression that education was beyond all other needs, of course except for those necessary for living. His father was a bit of a hypocrite in that sense because he consistently had social gatherings for his parents’ “friends.” They were more of business associates to be more exact. Every single interaction his father had contained an underlying purpose; he was clever in that sense. Taehyung lived this sheltered life until he was 15. 

The avarice Of murder  (Ch.2)
     It was like any other normal day except for the routine hoi poloi made that their way down the street and turned around the corner just as they did every day were nowhere in sight. Taehyung always observed them before school. They usually turned the corner at exactly 7:18 a.m. each and every morning like clockwork. It was kind of strange. However, today was an exception. There were no individuals on the street corner that day. Instead, they were all in their home, cowering for their lives. It had all happened so suddenly. He had just rolled out of bed, thrown of his clothes, and brushed his teeth when he heard the first gunshot. The cacophonous lead and copper alloy ricocheted throughout his ear and shattered within his sister’s heart. The second, followed by an agonized scream from his brother’s room, which was right next to his, that struck even more fear into Taehyung’s heart. With a flurry of motions, Taehyung disposed of any evidence of his existence, or at least recent existence and maneuvered himself out of his window and onto the roof. He shimmied his way to the side of the house and rested there, hidden from the street and away from any nearby windows. He sat down and waited for a signal, a shout of his name, anything to give a hint of survival. When the third and final bullet echoed throughout the otherwise silent neighborhood, he felt a piece of his soul fade away with his mother’s last breath. 

your first fault  (CH.3)

     Once the police had arrived, it was too late and the damage had already been done. He had lost three family members over a hidden safe within his home that his father refused to reveal. He wished he could understand why three peoples’ lives were less important than a bit of money. With any process of loss, grief was the first to hit Taehyung and his father. Taehyung had lost a mother and two siblings while his father lost a wife and two children. However, conflict ignited when his father began abusing alcohol and those around him. The mixture; a deadly concoction of malicious verbal altercations and unwarranted physical brawls.

the final stand  (CH.4)
    On that fateful spring day, the floral fragrance of the neighborhood invaded Taehyung’s nostrils that was quickly followed by the sight of a warm, crimson liquid. The embers within Taehyung finally ignited within his mind and he had finally snapped. It was all a blur and he still doesn’t remember most of it, only flashes of a knife and the screams of agony. Should he have been remorseful to a man who beat him on a daily basis? Taehyung wasn’t exactly sure…The man was grieving, but after two years, it was less of an act of grief and more of a habitual habit. Perhaps the man’s life was too steep of a price, but there was no forgiving his moment of weakness now.

captive audience  (CH.5)
    The guilt began eating away at him. He had committed a crime and he found himself beginning to hang out with the wrong crowd. He wasn’t quite sure how to interact with “friends” per say, so he observed their each and every move from a dimly lit corner. A stranger would occasionally walk up to him and offer him a “quick fix.” He respectfully declined each time until one particular stranger, a man with a lithe, yet also muscular frame approached him. His apparel could be described as grim, dismal, and vain. But to Taehyung, it was intriguing, aesthetically pleasing, and modern. Upon further inspection, Taehyung noticed a slim pair of sunglasses resting peacefully on the stranger’s nose bridge revealing two deep spherical orbs of chocolate that beckoned Taehyung to take a dive into the dark side. Taehyung’s judgement felt almost mystified as he nodded and offered his arm to the stranger. He wasn’t going to lie to himself and say that the needle in his arm felt nice. It most definitely did not. In spite of that, the rush he felt afterwards was unequivocally celestially evangelical and fiendishly sinful in the same sensation. With any lack of judgement, a slippery slope of mistakes form. One shoot up led to two, three, four, and a bit of adventure. He wasn’t sure how he ended up behind the camera of a risqué film, but in that moment, he wasn’t sure of mostly anything. All he was completely confident in was the fact that he enjoyed setting the scene and being the sole proprietor of this film. The entrepreneur within Taehyung blossomed when someone offered to buy the film off of him. Certainly he hadn’t thought about selling it and had intended to use it only for the cast’s personal use. Nevertheless, when people around him began throwing twenty dollar bills at him, he knew he had found something to occupy his time; a career that would follow him for the rest of his life. Perhaps not just the risqué filmography, but the responsibility of placing everything perfectly, the selection of a cast and a setting, the opportunity to be a director.



Roleplaying Guidelines
1) No one liners please and thank you <3

2. Weekdays, I will usually be found in the chatrooms and not responding to detailed wall/room posts due to the fact that I will be in school or on my way to school from 6am-4pm. (GMT-5) I also really like afterschool naps, however those usually turn into hibernation really quickly. 

3. I really hate ooc drama. Don't bother me with it. But IC drama keeps things a bit spicy, but too much and your mouth will be on fire. 

4. If I don't  respond after 5 days, give me a gentle nudge. I'm a human student. I have other responsibilities and sometimes I skip over things. I'm sorry :(

5. Kind of a continuation of #4, I'm extremely social in the IC chatrooms, so I'm usually trying to talk to multiple people at once, so if I accidentally skip you, I PROMISE I AM NOT IGNORING YOU! 


Memories that last
a lifetime :

1010190_thumb_tumblr_nqqy2v5pkO1u5taugo2④ hyemin p. 2 minutes ago Reply
In order to caress someone's soul with yours, drench them in your colours and saturate their canvas with overflowing passion, you need to let go and embrace the peradventure of falling. Otherwise, it's just ing. Which has its perks too, ain't gonna deny that. It's just that the level of emotional depth and connection is missing.

1010190_thumb_tumblr_nqqy2v5pkO1u5taugo2④ hyemin p. 1 minute ago Reply
Truth to be told, falling is as thrilling as
it is scary. Once you fell, you're past the point of no return, there's no escape. Meticulously layers of indifference rip apart and artificial masks shatter, dashed and divided like a million stars in the night sky,sparkling and broken. There's no way to hide your true self anymore. 
It's ing terrifying.

1010122_thumb_tumblr_o43ajyyPJQ1redmt6o2② jungkook j. [A] 51 seconds ago Reply @taehyung k. You're such a darling... And there really are no words to explain how badly I want to hug you to my chest... To wrap every ounce of comfort around you until I know you're protected and warm and ing happy, bby. I want that so much.
But just know this... Shyness, solitude... those don't speak of your heart, my precious. The best people in this world are often the ones others are stupid enough to overlook.

✘ ② taehyung k. 40 minutes ago Reply  Your evangelical features were only accentuated by the lunar rays brushing against your polished skin. The moonlight left your smile illuminated with an almost impish grin. I could only imagine what sinfully celestial thoughts were treading through your mind in that moment and the butterflies I felt in my stomach were the evidence I needed for the words to fall of my rosy tiers and into your heart. "I love you..."




kim taehyung.



  tumblr_m9ypbuDZlE1qgqoqyo2_250.png  tumblr_m9ypbuDZlE1qgqoqyo3_250.png  tumblr_m9ypbuDZlE1qgqoqyo4_250.png

; 〈 your sunshine
▷ Name: Kim Taehyung
▷Birthday: December 30th
▷ Height: 178 cm
▷ Blood Type: AB
▷ Major: PHoto Illustration Major with a minor in Stage and Scene
▷ Resident Potato

〈 thelovely babes;
What would I do without my babies?


( ) theloveofmylife -------
to____ ;
if only you existed tbh

layout credit to fallen angel.