Personal Message
Listen to the Song of the Meadow
Meadow's song ❤ 21 Years of Age ❤ Homoual ❤ Come play
OOC Stuff~~
GMT-7 / -6
I am busy with school, so it might be a bit hard to find me when I'm absent? As well as regarding 3rd pov / 1st pov I don't give a pefrance. As well as with walls and rooms. Just do whatever it is to try and help me. When Regarding , I'll do it as long as 1. we are in a realtionship and 2. it doesn't . Because really don't need that stuff.
Ye Old Background
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum rutrum nulla orci, vitae efficitur nunc dapibus sed. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque eu felis vestibulum, volutpat urna eget, bibendum ligula. Duis imperdiet consectetur orci, ac tempus justo dictum ut. Aliquam sit amet mollis nulla. Quisque luctus at ipsum et placerat. Ut tortor nisi, bibendum id neque et, sollicitudin porttitor est. Morbi a lectus tincidunt, accumsan metus non, convallis ipsum. Integer augue justo, tincidunt eget erat sit amet, iaculis placerat libero. Nam eget lacinia mauris. Pellentesque feugiat augue in magna pretium, quis pellentesque arcu elementum. In pellentesque tempus libero, eu maximus enim rhoncus quis. Etiam ante est, semper sit amet libero ut, pellentesque posuere quam. Quisque eleifend malesuada lorem, et pellentesque augue volutpat vel. Nunc tincidunt, enim feugiat pretium porta, purus dolor pharetra dui, sit amet placerat nisi justo ac sem. Vivamus sed consequat sapien.
Maecenas porttitor mi quis maximus dapibus. Vivamus malesuada elit in malesuada lobortis. Praesent ut ultrices elit, sed sollicitudin nunc. Aliquam eget posuere arcu, eu egestas justo. Donec non nunc vel elit luctus malesuada eu eget nisi. Vestibulum id nunc hendrerit mi lacinia hendrerit posuere eget tellus. Curabitur ut augue eget felis vehicula viverra. Aenean placerat nibh ac leo aliquet tincidunt.
Ye Old Relationship Status
Status: Obviously still Single ❤ uality: Homoual, get with the program ❤ taken by: At this point in time, My mask
Message To Thy Lover
Dear My Mask, It is great to know who you are I don't have the strength to do this right now. T_T Well goodbye mask I hope you have a great time living alone like you always wanted to. I....I never really loved you to start with...You were just that...a mask...oh my goodness what was I thinking? I'm so stupid! Bye - Meadow's song
Ye Old Personality information
Meadow's song is quiet when you first meet him, yet he can be quiet nice and kind when you get to know him. It doesn't really take that much to get to know him, and he doesn't there's a plus, right? He can also be witty and at times snarky as well, as well as logical some of the times. Don't mind him, he's just being him.
Ye Old Feelings
- Eyecandy: The mask of that of Meadow's Song
- Earcandy: Talk Nerdy to Me (KfaceTV)
- Feelings: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆