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kwon hyuk. [A] 16 seconds ago Reply

hubby aing~ bbuing~
1057581.jpg?v=31213kwon hyuk. [A] 1 minute ago Reply
hubby mi
1057581.jpg?v=31213 kwon hyuk. [A] 4 minutes ago Reply
ppoppos ur lips ilu hubby bbuing bbuing


junhong ch. [A] 48 seconds ago Reply

dean is such a great life experience though
one of your kids will prob fall for him tbh
1039681.jpg?v=15365 junhong ch. [A] 17 minutes ago Reply
i always knew hyukkie was an alien
which explains his out-of-this-world good looks ; )
1039681.jpg?v=15365 junhong ch. [A] 1 minute ago Reply
true, I won't deny I say stupid stuff all the time, especially to you
but ever thought maybe that's how I convey my weird love and feelings
1039681.jpg?v=15365 junhong ch. [A] 33 seconds ago Reply
i do know that, hyuk
and i wouldn't have it any other way
that is what makes you so refreshing to be around