Personal Message
Park Seungjun  |  23 Years Old  |  Lawyer at Music Ent.  | Daddy
Growing up, Seungjun was abused by his parents. It wasn't reported for a while, though when it was, his father still dominately controlled his life. He wasn't in his life, though his fear of his father lived with him completely, it still does. His father never let him pursue the dream that he wanted. He made him stay in school and take no pleasure classes, just AP classes. He continued his college years to become a lawyer, as that is what his father drilled into his mind. 

The one time his father took him to the art gallery, he was told how wasteful their lives were. This destroyed Seungjun, he wanted to be an artist like the few that he was allowed to see. Though, when his father brought him, he was left there. He didn't know his way home, and when he finally found his way home, they weren't there. 


Status: Single Craving: A happy baby
Orientation: Homoual Listening to: Dope - BTS
Writing Style: Both 1st & 3rd POV (Prefer first) Thinking about: You


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Daddy | 23 | awkward but wanting a baby to love | often found at a bar, or at the park |