Son Wendy  // #CHRYSARIA 
CLASS: Healer
JOB: Merchant
RANK: 00 Newbie
align: good
Appearence: a crescent moon on the back of her wrist and a row of three stars under her right eye.
Wendy was born in a regular and normal family who didn't really care about her. There thoughts were all on her older and youngest sister so being the middle child, wasn't always the easiest. Because she was born in a normal family who was payed a decent amount, all of that money was spent on her sisters and never her. All of the clothes she got, all of the make up, all of the fancy things were always given to her by friends. 
Being neglected by her family wasn't always the easiest. She was constantly compared to them and was always yelled at when she didn't do her job right. This lead to her despression and the fact that she had started to isolate herself.  She was losing friends every passing day and her entire family started to hate her. 
As she wanted to escape this cruel world, she was given a large amount of money from an anonymous sponsor. She used the money that was given to her for the game and the counsol. Not knowing what might happen in this world, she took the risk wanting nothing more to find a place where she belonged.
Strengths: fast reaction times / long ranged and mid range fights / not that hesitant
Weaknesses: people who beg for mercy / cold hearted and cruel people / short ragned fighting
Don't Leave Me.
Gender: M/F
Availability: (0/1) 
Genre: drama, slight angst, action
You and another anon player are going through a time where things aren't going well for the both of you. You might fight. You might kill but the one thing that you don't want to do is lose him/her.

Gender: M/F
Availability: (0/1) 
Genre: Blah blah, blah
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Gender: M/F
Availability: (0/1) 
Genre: Blah blah, blah
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Personal Message
Don't waste your time on someone like me. I am a useless human being that wanted nothing more to escape from my problems. Unless. . .you really care for me. . .but I would highly doubt that.