Personal Message (danicng/singing) (singing)

Baby Baby
gao jianing
gao jianing
J.G tends acts cold and heartless in front of people he doesn’t know very well or like at all, but he has a reason for it. He was once the leader, visual, main dancer and lead vocalist of the ever so popular 8 member c-pop boy group Lust and had debuted with them when he was 14 years old. Even before his big debut with Lust, J.G was, and still kind of is, pretty cold and rude but it had gotten worse over the two years of being the leader of that group and stopped listening to the CEO of the company, T.H Entertainment, for the short while he was there. He had left the group after rumors upon rumors had spread of him not being the perfect leader, ruining the image of the company and acting out of character and other stuff that he doesn’t really want to mention. He had chosen to leave the group and the country to start all over again after auditioning for Crown Royal Entertainment. Once he had heard about Crown Royal Entertainment from a fan of his, he immediately went to audition but failed five times before finally getting in the sixth time. J.G can easily hide his feelings around others but has a hard time showing them off to most people, and it is not all that often that he will immediately open up to someone, even if they tried their best to make him talk and try to befriend him. He isn’t one to show his emotions to people but he does show it through his body language and sometimes by the way he talks towards people. He has two Akita puppies named Xuě and Gōngzhǔ and normally takes care of his brothers Shih Tzu named Yīngsù whenever he was busy. He is the younger brother of Fang Yilun, who goes by as Alen, a fellow member of Lust and they were a very close, though they didn’t show it in public and older brother to Zhou Yixuan, who, like Alen, was adopted when young and was supposed to debut with them. He can speak six different languages, three of which are fluent, and he can play the violin, viola, double bass, upright bass, bass, guitar, acoustic guitar and cello. Though he isn’t as bright or as protective as his younger brother, J.G will not take any tolerance on haltered casted upon Jay or himself at all, even if hate comments don’t really bother him at the least and he doesn’t show it on his face, which is pretty much emotionless most of the time. J.G may act like a jerk towards people he doesn’t know or doesn’t like, and has a tough time trusting others, but he doesn’t like telling people, or letting them find about it through other means, about his dark past, and hopes to keep it in the dark for a while. J.G came from a rich and prosperous household in Beijing, though he was born and raised in Dertiot until he was 6, that everyone knew almost everything about and secretly had envied his family but he didn't really want anything to do with them but he didn't make it obvious to the world. He wasn't into the family business and wanted to do things his own way. J.G couldn't stand being with his family for a long time and had alway prefered the company of a Huskey he one had that was named River and his close friend. His father is the CEO of Gao Industries, a very large fashion company based in Beijing with millions of dollars to their name, though he never talks about it and prefers to keep it hidden from others because of personal reasons. Some things that most people don’t know about J.G is that he is blind in his right eye, suffers from insomnia, doesn’t like sleeping with his shirt on, doesn’t like showing his body to others because of all of his scars, and he is very accident prone mainly due to the lack of sight. In his eyes J.G is very independent despite only being able to see out of one eye and doesn’t like asking anyone for any kind help, unless it’s necessary, and isn’t one to make many errors when it comes to performing even with his condition. He isn’t normally bossy but he will take charge of things when nothing is happening and he wants things to get done right away. However tough he may act around others, he does act kind and selfless when he feels like it is necessary. Over the years of living in China, he had built a wall to hide his feelings when he is with people he doesn’t know and when he it’s out in public. He rarely lets people into his personal life and when he does, he only tells people very little or shows them the scars left from his childhood that were caused by his father. His normally jerkish personality normally gets him into trouble at school and when he was back in China, though he does have a bad habit of acting out when someone he doesn’t know touches him without his permission. J.G doesn’t get that jealous easily and tends to back talk people, both older and younger.
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