Personal Message
About Me a friendly, charming and a bit of flirt, but he doesn't mean to any harm, he is just a guy with much affection and yearns for attention. He is the type of stupid whom you could be playful with or who could keep you amused yet also the type whom you could share you secrets and have a heartfelt conversation with.
He is an admirer of beauty, if he finds you attractive he won't hesistat to tell you that. If you are insecure about yourself, he is the type to make a fool of himself just to make you smiling. Unfortunately, its hard to keep up with him, to keep him grounded for a long time. He thinks that life is too unpredictable and adventurous to spend with just one person. He has loved and dated many but no relationship lasted more than a month, could you be the one to tie him down? Convince him that you are his one and only.
Baby, I Only Have You
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Ut feugiat, magna quis ornare dapibus, quam mauris ornare magna, at congue lorem tortor in augue. Aliquam posuere blandit lorem, ut scelerisque nunc finibus non. Quisque ac diam id neque sollicitudin imperdiet sit amet nec augue. Ut hendrerit lacus quam, a volutpat lorem aliquet ac. Curabitur vulputate pretium lorem et dictum.
Put Yo Hands Up