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Let the night sway your mind 


being a nefelibata has its own wings

A day starting with a cup of freshly brewed coffee and ending with more than three shots of vodka,just like how a busy man lives, having a night club under his nose and his smuggling business going just right,yixing a man of his words lives days which always pass without no due. He trusts no one because this world had already decieved him greatly once and he isnt foolish enough to fall into oblivion again.ever.
A normal lifestyle is something he cant really have to begin with, considering how he seethes the life of an owl and is content with what he has to keep his eyes on.
A mysterious yet sharp persona and never forget his real facade.He doesnt like the idea of two faced people and can catch lies distances afar.His own experience has led him to what he is now, he has a lot of big people respecting him and he would always want it that way.His lowkey business always makes him active before the smell of the par even spreads into the 911.
His whole life has always been asked by many but unfortunately there isnt anyone who even has slightest bit of an idea and thats for the best.Known for his local violation of laws and having guts enough to be proud of it,he never really cares about what people say in the negative light.Leaving his work to the side,his love life has always been a weak question because of its nonexistence and all he can do is shrug his shoulders,alas the fact no one ever intrigued nor allured him that way.He has a great liking towards the beauty of sky,the galaxy and the supernova which he can always talk about no matter what time.He isnt afraid of anyone no matter what power it holds and he loves the thrilling adventure of a life he lives in everysecond. 





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