Personal Message

Lee Jongsuk
Class A
Attempted murder, Aggrevated assault, Selling drugs, ion, Assault, Possession of a Deadly weapon, Extortion, name it, he's done it
The face of an angel, but don't let the innocent smile fool you Jongsuk is completely ruthless. He shows no feelings or regret when committing his crimes and every type of punishment has just been brushed off by him. Instead of prison scaring him, he completely embraced the lifestyle and thrived within the walls, selling himself as well as any paraphernalia he could get his hands on. This place is his last chance, well the country's last chance to get him to care about himself and others enough to stop his reign of terror. That doesn't mean he'll listen to a word that's said to him, he's a master at putting up an innocent front and waiting until the authority figures turn their back to show his true colors. He uses his body to get what he wants, but if that doesn't work he'll happily eliminate whomever gets in his way. Beware the smile, it usually means he's trying to think of a way to kill you later. 

Quirks: Gum, he likes gum. Skipping is as normal as walking for him, the innocence factor helping him as well. You can usually find a can of spraypaint on him somewhere, he likes tagging random gang signs around the school just to freak out the teachers. He's also quite the artist, but only enjoys drawing in destructive ways. 




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