Personal Message

pretty layout later ; on mobile.

detailed first pov! i'd like to improve my first pov roleplaying. i'm still rusty on it since i haven't roleplayed in a long time. third pov is iffy for me, even though i'm a book worm i feel insecure of my writing skills. but if you really want to do 3rd pov, i'll try but don't mind my terrible adjectives, verbs, everything. i always get stuck on how to set the scene when it's 3rd pov. anyway, i rather not since i'm like wondwoxnqlsnqkdbqoabwodnaoxnwoqmdnqosoqndoqnxkqkqka terrible at it. anyway, lets plot shall we? or wing it.

Jungkook - 18 - camper - cabin : bear