
nichkhun - 26 - counselor - cabin : beaver


Nichkhun was born into a medically inclined family. The Horvejkul clan has always produced top quality medical professionals leading to the creation of one of the world's best hospitals in Thailand. The hospital is not limited to their family only as it also hires other low key yet top notch doctors from all over the nation. 

That's why when Nichkhun was born, his path of life was already planned for him. They sent him to a private school in Thailand for good education before sending him to a foreign country for better education on medicine. Being a genius prodigy, he finished his doctoral degree with flying colors at a very young age of 25- just a year earlier than his older brother- instead of 28.

Currently he is working at the camp to earn experience before flying over to Thailand and acquiring a position over there. Truthfully, he just wanted to escape at least for a while on his mother's intent to marry him off to some stranger.


Nichkhun is highly inquisitive and compassionate as it is part of his job. He is the kind of friend who is an incredible listener. Nichkhun is not that much of a talker but he if he does talk, it's either some questions or words of wisdom. He is an avid reader and can often be seen with a book mostly non-fiction under his nose. A cup of coffee and a good book is his way of relaxation. 

Though he is a psychologist and knows the consequences of bottling things up, he still does it. Nichkhun finds it hard to open up to people because of the former people whom he knew. He thought that they were his friends but all they did to him was treat him like some kind of trash then treat him like a king the next day if they need something. That's why since then he never tells anyone about his backstory. He also has the bad habit of smoking away his problems. 


  • Though his family had already paved his way ever since he was born, they still are very close-knitted. 
  • He had been constantly paired in blind dates by his mom ever since he reached college.
  • Nichkhun has an older brother and two youngers sisters whom he dearly love in the medicine field as well.
  • His father is the head director of the Union Medical Hospital at Thailand.
  • Nichkhun is a sports enthusiast.
  • He is hydrophobic and claustrophobic due to a kidnapping incident when he was 7 which ultimately lead to his loss of 7 years of his memory.
  • Nichkhun has developed a bad eyesight over the years resulting to him either wearing contacts or glasses most of the time.