
minhyuk | 16 | 00.02.25 | wolf cabin 
since birth, minhyuk had always been a mischievous being. it wasn't until he hit his double digits did it become an issue, though. growing up with parents who are strict and go overboard in making sure their kids are always up to unachievable standards only makes a rebel, especially from kids like minhyuk who genuinely enjoy a challange. as a youngin' the boy often got into trouble. whether it was for vandalism (it was only once, and with washable paint), theft (also a one time thing, and it was a candy bar. he takes this to heart regardless), or reoccurring instances like dirty dishes, unkempt bed or forgetting to vacuum the floor, something always went down. as time went on, minhyuk became more creative with his ways and caused an awful lot of controversy in his household. pranks, inappropriate jokes, excessive profanity. as much as everyone cracked down on him it made his flame burn brighter. other kids did the exact same thing, so why couldn't he? as much as he pushed the limits to let them know he'd never give up, here is where it landed him. summer camp. away from friends, away from family, and away from whatever "influential" shows and video games he had back at his place. now it's just him and nature, and yet, he's never been happier.

☆ i'll make a layout later. maybe.