Personal Message
name: Jagger
BOD: September 21
orientation: gay
rel.status: single
Cat hybrid
Physical description - He is a cat hybrid. The physical features that he grew up with that would come from a cat, were his ears and tail. His eyes change colors, from his normal dark brown to a bright green occasionally. Jagger tends to be a curious guy with sensitive feelings and a kind heart, but is misjudged by others causing him to hide his sadness until he is alone.
Background - Being created in the Calv labs, Jagger lived a lonely life for most of it. If someone actually came to and acknowledged him, it was not in a kind way. Constantly being ignored and disrespected, he was naturally sad. And its only natural that he gets excited and happy when someone actually is kind to him. He himself has a kind heart, and treats others the way that he would like to be treated, in hopes that he will be treated in a kind way eventually.
© -fallen