Personal Message
 now playing:
Heathens-21 pilots  
❝ Kill with success, bury them with a smile.   

22 || Class A || Dominant and Sadistic || Um.. i don't know what else- ooh mangos :')

Seokjin was a boy who never really knew how to fit in. His parents were outsiders to society as well, it was no surprise he wasn't able to 'fit in'. His peculiar sense of humanity would be shown through the way he learned, talked, saw things. He was brought up to the moral that the world is a place you have to endure until you die. The weakest will be killed, the strongest live on. Since he started education at 6, he was /always/ a target of bullying. The kids he hung out with were the 'weakest' of the school. Every day at school and even outside of school until he was 18, he would be dragged to an alleyway, punched, kicked, assaulted, mugged. His friends would be treated the same way.

It wasn't until he heard news that his friend was, 'accidentally' killed by one of those douchebags. The event was a starting point of Seokjin's alter ego. At 18, he slowly began plotting revenge. One by one, he would capture the bullies, keep them at his home, lock them up. Torture was first. Murder was second. And he'd smile, and he himself thought and knew that the world was better off without people like those. There was no use turning them in to the police. There was no such thing as 'closure' in that way. Things were better handled when Seokjin did it himself. It wasn't until his parents would come to visit that they realised the person Seokjin had become. They did not know the deeds their little boy did, but they knew that something was wrong with him. The dark remarks, the sinister grin. It was weirdly fearful for them. And so after that, they never bothered to care or contact him. It was easier that way.

Seokjin thought that after the handful of bullies he took care of cleanly, without any traces, he would stop. But it was a thrill for his sadistic heart. Every time he saw someone; a man treating his woman like , a mother thinking her daughter was trash, a student bullying another, he would follow them. Capture them. Torture. Murder. Bury. Act like nothing happened. Put on a smile to match his pretty face. Move on.

Now that he is here, it's hard for him to do the things he found rather exciting. Maybe there is a way to find that thrill again, in the same method or a different one.

You see him with a smile, and it's hard to ignore the fact that he is pretty good looking. He will smile at you, act like he enjoys your company, pat your head, do what 'normal' people would do. But he tends to switch over to another side of himself. He gets bored easily. He tosses people around like they are trash and he doesn't give a if he hurts you. He's one to tell you up front that you are annoying (everyone is annoying to him tbh so ples dont cry or get offended when he says that :'''), it's his character). He isn't humble, he loves it when he feels his ego inflate. He loves hearing screams whether its from pain or pleasure and nothing can make him stop. Although he says he hates bullies, he doesn't mind talking down someone who is his one-time fling, and he adores the art of degrading people to their level. It's hard for this guy to show affection that is real and deep within his stone heart. The only affection he can show is one to lure you in to a game of mental and emotional torture, and it's just so fun for him. Basically, don't trust his pretty face. 
friends & fams:
Not sure why this part is needed-- maybe there will be a few.
plots & prompts:

 LIBEROSIS | availability | Editing

Name | availability Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Name | availability Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

➍ Name | availability Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Name | availability Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Nullam sed finibus sem. Donec convallis metus ac metus auctor, ac malesuada ante faucibus. Integer pulvinar rhoncus auctor. Pellentesque laoreet lacus a fermentum efficitur. Duis convallis mauris sapien, vitae porttitor nunc facilisis eu. Fusce sagittis varius convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. 

NAME: Justin/Shinwoo
TIMEZONE: I have no n idea
POV/LENGTH: 3rd or detailed 1st - Mirror

☺P L E A S E don't go all 'juseyo' or 'jebal' with me. The only 'korean' I can ever handle is, 'Hyung'. I can't even properly tolerate 'Oppa' esp. with the ~~~ followed after it

☺I am very forgetful, ppl say I have pigeon memory. So if I haven't replied to you in maybe 5 or so days, please poke me. But don't do it if it's only been a day. Also, I don't poke unless I really love the plot we're doing, but in other cases, I'll just assume you forgot or lost muse.

☺I don't bite, I'm sorry if I sound like a scary human, I'm nothing but a forgetful pigeon alien tbh :')

☺ I can't h a nd le easily offended/butthurt ppl. If Jin's character is too much for your OOC self to handle (hence you in IC), then it's better to just stay away from me :'')

☺I may go missing from time to time because of uni lyfe- fml.