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note: please at least read the ooc info in my profile

innocent disciple mark Ⓜ 
1234 posts | 1234 pts

innocent disciple mark Ⓜ 
1500 posts | 1500 pts

son seungwan Ⓕ 1 minute ago Reply
istg i love mark already
bae joohyun Ⓕ [A] 1 minute ago Reply
mark you're so cu t e
son chaeyoung Ⓕ 2 minutes ago Reply
mark lee Ⓜ 25 seconds ago Reply
brushes chaeyoung's hair

it finally happened




Mark Lee

° Just a young guy trying to live his life one diddly at a time.

— 10272016


To summarize my entire being in a sentence, I am just gonna say that I'm as interesting as my concept of fun. You know those idols that are quiet and don't do much outside of work and sleep? Yeah, that's me. I don't want to further bore you with some blurb about how I'm a nice guy who just likes to chill, but I will say this: if you get to know me past my whole Flanders thing, and anything else I unintentionally use as a barrier, you'll get to see how cool I really can be.


someone i cherish



Donec porta est eget leo porta convallis. Nam placerat, purus vitae ultrices feugiat, velit enim malesuada lectus, sed sollicitudin magna massa in augue. Nullam consequat ac velit eu lobortis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean viverra enim et nibh ullamcorper tempor.


out of character

01 Don't trust the online sign. I ain't always online or present.

02 I'm a detailed writer (script/novella), but I can handle one liners and . Just let me know if I'm typing too much for you.

03 If you send me a copy and paste starter, I'm most likely gonna ignore it. They make me feel weird. And you can honsetly just say hi to me if you wanna talk. No pressure.

04 I normally ignore my wall (esp. if talking in rooms) and eight times out of ten I respond late. Even if you tag me.

05 That's another thing—I don't check my notifs a lot so I often miss out on . Remind me of things after it's been about a week but do not ing pester me for replies.

06 I tend to leave out a lot of words and make typos and curse a lot, but I've been working on all of that that. Please bear with me though.


random scenarios


You and mark decide to create an imaginary world of your own and rp via text messaging.

+ open to anyone; friendship, bonding.


You and mark play a game where every time one of you curses or does something bad, you put money in a bottle.

+ open to anyone; frienship.


Sticky notes and clues are left all around town for a big idol scavenger hunt show thing, and mark wants to make sure he wins the prize, so he asks for your help.

+ open to anyone; friendship, adventure-ish.


Mark disappears for some amount of time, and shows up a person who has no real interest in being an idol anymore.

– he could have been kidnapped, or he could have run away. idk but prepare to meet a really depressing Mark.

+ open to anyone; angst.


Mark was caught fighting you in public and both of you have to deal with the backlash of the incident, preferably together if you want to save your careers.

+ open to anyone; angst, conflict.


Somehow, you managed to make mark upset with you, and he doesn't want to let it go... at least not until he's had his fun messing with you like the good friend he is.

+ open to anyone; friendship, conflict.


Mark gets stressed the out and seems mad at the world, and you're the supporting friend that helps cheer him up, pacify the angry child he is.

+ open to anyone; friendship, angst.


Mark makes a lot of risky decisions regarding his career and you can try to stop him and talk some sense into him, or you can join his fun.

+ open to anyone; friendship maybe, conflict maybe.


You guys sneak out of your dorms to go to the park (or somewhere open, with less light) to party and tell stories under the stars until sunrise.

– was intended to be a group plot, but can be one on one.

+ open to anyone; bonding.


You and mark are supposed to work together, but you really don't like each other. and things get a little ugly.

+ open to anyone; conflict.


Mark gets left alone with the child you're supposed to care for and doesn't know what to do, but somehow makes it work. And then you come back to see that everyone is still alive and unscathed.

– ok but what if you had a secret child that you were pretending was your new baby sibling/cousin and Mark sometimes helped you take care of them?

– what if you made Mark take care of the child so he can get some life experience™?

+ open to anyone; random.


Being harrassed by your exes is never fun, but being harrassed by them as an idol, woo boy! No bueno.

– you can be one of the exes harrasing him, or a supportive friend, or a hater who's lowkey jealous of the attention he's getting, or whatever cones to mind tbh.

+ open to anyone; conflict, angst.


You've lost a lot of your passion, your emotional connection to what you do, and you're acting like a debbie downer all the time. Let Mark help you find your muse again, help you snap out of it.

+ opne to anyone; angst.

Plot title here

Nullam convallis, diam sit amet finibus tincidunt, dolor tellus tincidunt risus, vitae eleifend nisl erat et ante. Aliquam vel ornare massa. Duis in aliquam lectus, at dapibus libero. Aenean at metus a mi rhoncus auctor. Quisque eu porttitor augue, eget placerat urna. Vivamus consectetur fringilla nisl, vel vestibulum lacus aliquet in. Nam non quam in est porta finibus in vitae urna. Vivamus vel rhoncus mauris.

+ rating, status, genre, etc.

Plot title here

Nam nec tortor eu eros rhoncus ornare vel et nibh. Aliquam ex ipsum, rhoncus id consequat id, molestie quis ante. Duis dapibus risus ac mauris iaculis, id lacinia augue tincidunt. Duis efficitur sem placerat metus ornare aliquam. Quisque hendrerit iaculis nulla, eu dictum nibh vehicula pretium. Nulla facilisi.

+ rating, status, genre, etc.