She was corrupted mentally, by all the people who hurt her in the past, now she was going to make them pay by setting up her own plans to hurt them right back. Because revenge is sweet, as sweet as the most fragrant rose...
about / history
Born in The Golden City, Luvian was always one for pleasurable things. At a young age, she craved chocolate, then when she was a teen it was drugs, alcohol and . These things contributed to her creation of the Rose Mafia. Once the governor had taken over and crime was at an all time high, Luvian was so gluttonous as an adult by then that she threw away the only people that cared about her: Jay and Jackson. She had gotten selfish and threw them away like garbage. She regretted it for a short time but, she was so selfish that she hired thug after thug to try to put a stop to her ex best friends, so she could be the Queen Bee of the city. It didn't work, it only made things between the already feuding trio worse. She was on edge, it wasn't until after Jay and Jackson had established their Mafias, that Luvian decided to follow suit. Though she may not be as cutthroat and ruthless as Jackson is, or unpredictable as Jay is, but Luvian is just as manipulative, if not more manipulative than her two former friends. The Rose Mafia is the same way, manipulative but only in a more ual way.
Luvian is very quiet and usually is in her office having with a guy from off the street, or one of her former friends that calls a temporary 'truce'. She knows what she wants and she will do anything to get it, even if it means to have with the person she wants something from, seduce them with her words or by brute and violent force. She is somewhat nice to the es she has kidnapped to work for her. She hates back talk though. She may be sweet and nice looking, but every rose has it's thorns.
Title [ rating ]
Nam risus quam, dictum non sapien quis, tincidunt lobortis massa. Morbi viverra venenatis placerat. Donec eu nulla eget sapien scelerisque suscipit. Nullam nec justo ac ligula interdum aliquam id et diam. Aenean blandit magna eget nibh consequat, ac dapibus leo vestibulum. Proin efficitur ligula et laoreet faucibus. Donec nec tortor ultricies, hendrerit dui a, dapibus felis. Praesent tempor laoreet tortor, scelerisque ullamcorper dui accumsan ut. Nunc turpis justo, condimentum id urna nec, cursus pharetra orci.
+ status, genre, etc.
Title [ rating ]
Ut elementum facilisis libero. Vivamus sed turpis aliquam, gravida purus ac, dignissim enim. Aliquam purus purus, aliquet et neque ac, consectetur mollis mi. Nulla tempus ullamcorper lacus ac aliquam. Quisque sed nibh eget metus imperdiet facilisis at eget ipsum. Quisque interdum non tellus fringilla volutpat. Maecenas nec libero non libero semper laoreet et ut eros. Donec iaculis, est ac consectetur luctus, diam quam efficitur tellus, at accumsan leo neque at ex. Nulla aliquet dolor finibus mauris finibus porta.
+ status, genre, etc.
Title [ rating ]
Vivamus eget ultricies justo. Praesent pellentesque mauris sit amet est placerat, quis suscipit orci laoreet. Cras et tellus sit amet justo ullamcorper semper nec et quam. Etiam rutrum enim eu congue malesuada. Quisque malesuada diam ut ipsum fermentum cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus odio quam, faucibus at sodales ac, accumsan sit amet sapien.
+ status, genre, etc.
01 Maecenas in libero nisl.
02 Fusce id pharetra ante. Nam placerat augue lacus, mattis tristique diam mollis non.
03 Ut semper porta egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras vel arcu eget est dapibus efficitur eu ac tortor. In id ornare neque. Nulla facilisi.
04 In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
05 Integer a metus non neque cursus molestie. Pellentesque eu felis nec justo consectetur egestas vel maximus sapien. Praesent pellentesque risus sed faucibus lobortis.
06 Nunc suscipit lacinia fringilla. Nullam urna ipsum, rutrum vitae pretium et, interdum faucibus eros.
07 Etiam dignissim nec purus suscipit vehicula.
out of character
basic trivia
date of birth
July 11th
agE: 28
group / role