Personal Message

username: delphinium
timzone: gmt-5
pov/length: 3rd
pov/length: para, semi, nov.
pov/length: mirror

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate lectus porta magna sodales varius. Nullam interdum sollicitudin sem, eu sollicitudin neque pharetra sed. Curabitur eu est sit amet mauris mollis pharetra. Maecenas sit amet tellus mauris. Vivamus finibus lobortis dictum. Nulla at urna blandit tortor finibus molestie non vitae libero. Nam ac neque mattis, aliquet velit ac, pharetra tortor.


There is no denying the truth - Andy Lee is a monster. He's not very bothered by this fact as it's always been apart of his life. Just because he's somewhat approachable doesn't mean he's going to change. That he's going to revert back to his once human-lifestyle.

Andy has left his human past behind, and fully lives in the body of a ghoul. He is able to shapeshift and feasts on human corpses dug up in graveyards (he has no plans of stopping that either).

Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. Aliquam et diam porta, luctus ex sed, blandit turpis. Ut gravida rutrum libero, id rhoncus neque. Phasellus et tortor luctus urna blandit maximus at eu purus. Phasellus sagittis placerat aliquam.

Integer ornare luctus imperdiet. Aenean eget leo vel ligula venenatis facilisis. Morbi tempus maximus lectus, sit amet luctus sem ultrices vel. Aliquam euismod pellentesque blandit. Pellentesque bibendum, ipsum eu posuere lacinia, sem nisi tempus neque, fringilla pretium purus quam ac sem. Nunc efficitur, orci a pellentesque sollicitudin, est dui aliquet elit, at ullamcorper velit ante blandit libero. Nullam molestie eu lectus at porttitor.


Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 

Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 

Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 

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Credits for layout ;  Credits for pictures to their owners 

temporary profile - 

name - lee sunho / andy lee / jason lee
age - n/a ; appearance - 35
creature - ghoul
position - teacher (english)