Kim Minhak
around 5'4

Minhak Was born and raised In melbourne, Australia and therefore is fluent in both english and Korean. His family moved out of austrialia before his twelfth birthday, forcing him to leave all his friends behind. This was rather unfortunate for him because of his shy nature. Not in the sense that he'll run away if someone tries to talk to him, though that's possible depending on the other persons reputation, but it's more on the line of him having difficulty starting a conversation. Because of this, when he arrived at his new school he soon found himself labeled as loner even at such a young age. It was assumed that he just wanted to be alone but that couldn't been further from the truth.  

Minhak grew up a very sheltered boy so a lot the time there are things that go right over his head. i.e. ual jokes he either doesn't get at all or he'll just take a while to understand it. 



As previously mentioned he is very shy but, frankly, once he gets comfortable with someone...He doesn't shut up, like ever. OKay maybe that's a slight exaggeration. He does have his down moments but for the most part it would probably go unnoticed, mostly because he's good at covering for it. 

plot name - male or female - genre - availability

Vivamus in mi eget libero lobortis mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu tellus ac lectus venenatis consequat. Donec tempor blandit magna rutrum pellentesque. Donec tincidunt malesuada nunc sit amet posuere. Vivamus est metus, fringilla et tristique sit amet, dictum eu lectus. Nam luctus sapien quis sapien pretium, ac mattis lacus ultrices.

plot name - male or female - genre - availability

Vivamus in mi eget libero lobortis mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu tellus ac lectus venenatis consequat. Donec tempor blandit magna rutrum pellentesque. Donec tincidunt malesuada nunc sit amet posuere. Vivamus est metus, fringilla et tristique sit amet, dictum eu lectus. Nam luctus sapien quis sapien pretium, ac mattis lacus ultrices.

plot name - male or female - genre - availability

Vivamus in mi eget libero lobortis mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu tellus ac lectus venenatis consequat. Donec tempor blandit magna rutrum pellentesque. Donec tincidunt malesuada nunc sit amet posuere. Vivamus est metus, fringilla et tristique sit amet, dictum eu lectus. Nam luctus sapien quis sapien pretium, ac mattis lacus ultrices.

Suspendisse sem eros, bibendum a enim eu, hendrerit mattis dolor. Aenean at lorem maximus, porta urna sed, tempor sem. Nullam vitae nulla nunc. Morbi mollis urna quis arcu tristique venenatis. Sed vitae lorem rutrum, bibendum lacus mattis, tristique mi. Donec justo risus, vestibulum eget purus ut, ornare vestibulum felis. Phasellus et diam lectus. Curabitur in cursus lacus. Praesent dignissim augue in pulvinar imperdiet. Maecenas interdum, quam at maximus tincidunt, ante velit mollis ipsum, sed vestibulum leo lacus in ipsum. Integer et mauris id ligula aliquam commodo. Proin id ultricies lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus posuere consequat diam eu ultrices.

name - plot summary - room - replied or not replied
name - plot summary - room - replied or not replied
name - plot summary - room - replied or not replied
name - plot summary - room - replied or not replied
name - plot summary - room - replied or not replied
name - plot summary - room - replied or not replied