Wang Jia Er is a transfer student from Hongkong. He was born with his name as Jia Er but grew up with him being called as Jackson. The cause of this was because of his family. Due to the fact that their family is rich, holding a company of a popular clothing brand, Jackson was forced to be able to lack friends because of the span of time he stays at a certain school. He was soon distressed by this and ended up giving on his social life. Though it didn't stop him from all the judging stares being sent to him. Maybe it's because of his hair that would occasionally be damn dyed and would be accused of him having tons of money or the fact that his clothes would all be branded or his stuffs would always be in the trend, which made him unable to socialize with anyone. Though, Jackson might look chill, he's mostly outgoing whenever he's comfortable with a certain person. Though, he can't deny the fact that he indeed is an introvert.
wang jia er
background story
Despite the fact that Jackson fails with his social life, it didn't stopped him from being loud and fun with the others. He is extremely bubbly and cheerful. Often boastful about his looks, but he's never serious about it. He acts tough and dominant on the outside, though he's extremely fragile and shy on the inside. He loves seeing people's smile on their faces. Jackson also cares a lot for his looks, would even dare to lock himself in a closet until he would find the perfect clothes for himself. It's insane but that's his way of attracting others.
Title [ rating ]
Nam risus quam, dictum non sapien quis, tincidunt lobortis massa. Morbi viverra venenatis placerat. Donec eu nulla eget sapien scelerisque suscipit. Nullam nec justo ac ligula interdum aliquam id et diam. Aenean blandit magna eget nibh consequat, ac dapibus leo vestibulum. Proin efficitur ligula et laoreet faucibus. Donec nec tortor ultricies, hendrerit dui a, dapibus felis. Praesent tempor laoreet tortor, scelerisque ullamcorper dui accumsan ut. Nunc turpis justo, condimentum id urna nec, cursus pharetra orci.
+ status, genre, etc.
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Ut elementum facilisis libero. Vivamus sed turpis aliquam, gravida purus ac, dignissim enim. Aliquam purus purus, aliquet et neque ac, consectetur mollis mi. Nulla tempus ullamcorper lacus ac aliquam. Quisque sed nibh eget metus imperdiet facilisis at eget ipsum. Quisque interdum non tellus fringilla volutpat. Maecenas nec libero non libero semper laoreet et ut eros. Donec iaculis, est ac consectetur luctus, diam quam efficitur tellus, at accumsan leo neque at ex. Nulla aliquet dolor finibus mauris finibus porta.
+ status, genre, etc.
Title [ rating ]
Vivamus eget ultricies justo. Praesent pellentesque mauris sit amet est placerat, quis suscipit orci laoreet. Cras et tellus sit amet justo ullamcorper semper nec et quam. Etiam rutrum enim eu congue malesuada. Quisque malesuada diam ut ipsum fermentum cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus odio quam, faucibus at sodales ac, accumsan sit amet sapien.
+ status, genre, etc.
01 Maecenas in libero nisl.
02 Fusce id pharetra ante. Nam placerat augue lacus, mattis tristique diam mollis non.
03 Ut semper porta egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras vel arcu eget est dapibus efficitur eu ac tortor. In id ornare neque. Nulla facilisi.
04 In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
05 Integer a metus non neque cursus molestie. Pellentesque eu felis nec justo consectetur egestas vel maximus sapien. Praesent pellentesque risus sed faucibus lobortis.
06 Nunc suscipit lacinia fringilla. Nullam urna ipsum, rutrum vitae pretium et, interdum faucibus eros.
07 Etiam dignissim nec purus suscipit vehicula.
out of character
jackson wang
date of birth
28 March 1998
age 18
the populars
top or bottom?
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