Personal Message
Played by
Pixels (brad)
— Yeah, the online sign? Don't trust that.
— I do open starters in rooms. If someone has responded to one you wanted to respond to, either talk to us about making it a group thing, or go on and tag me personally. You are welcome to respond to whatever I post, unless i specifically tag someone else.
— You don't have to ask me to roleplay, but don't expect me to respond to every post, namely the short ones. While I do like random starters, and while I also like plots, I have a harder time responding to the shorter stuff. If you want to rp a specific thing (like a romance plot), as a rule of thumb, ask before you post.
— I do both script and multi-para/novella. My script post depend on what I'm given, but my range is anywhere from 10 to 50 lines. For multi-para or novella posts, it just depends. I can type anywhere from 3 to 9 paragraphs.
— Me and my character are two different people. If you don't like my character, that doesn't mean that you can treat me like .
— Don't get offended if I say no to your plot, don't like your starter, or if I can't roleplay with you. Not every plot will fly with how I want to portray my character, and not every starter will appeal to me. Sure, it might , but I'm always willing to work something else out. Don't take me saying no as a personal attack, and don't try to force me into something I tell you I don't want to do.
— I reply slowly and I tend to ignore my wall when I'm talking in rooms. If we're doing script, my replies might be faster, but will still be kinda slow. Also, keep in mind that I'm in a lot of rps and have a lot of characters, so I may not always be as present.
— If you really don't want to roleplay with me, don't say you do when asked. My feelings will not be hurt if you say no.
jung jaehyun Ⓜ 8 seconds ago Reply
it's lee mark