believing stories only hearts can tell
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As you can probably tell by the name, joshua is not from around here. No, he grew up in the states, in a catholic school. his parents weren't rich persay, but they were well off enough to enhoy a comfortable life without worrying about much. when his father got a promotion that came with a relocation, this changed. their pockets were a bit heavier and his parents were overjoyed that they could move back to their home, and joshua could stay here longer than a summer or two like in the past. but they didn't know how the place changed, and niether did joshua. because this posh school with it's unorthodox "buddy system" only confuses him. he'll have to adjust quick though, because regardless of what he was used to, he does appear to be an easy target.
joshua was raised to model the perfect little christian boy look, and he does look it well. he's not as pious as others may believe though, he just is naive and tries to either see the best in others or believe that he can change them even a little. pretty much, religion shaped him not to be uber devout, but instead trying to be a good person. it did however shield him from a lot, so he's a bit unaware of things around him. things that others might pick up instinctively from their surroundings, or by watching other's behavior, takes him a bit to ponder out. he tends to be quiet, which ironically draws more attention to him. because in a school where the posh and the delinquents alike intermingle, an unassuming "good boy" seems to gather a bit of attention.

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troye sivan
Likes dogs
likes to sing
can be tactile
easily flustered at times