Personal Message

KIm Minseok

° “I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for.” 。



all you need to know

In a perfect world, Kim Minseok would have stayed a normal 25 year old man, would have had a job, maybe a wife and a couple of children. In a perfect world, he wouldn't have ended up dry and set free onto a mission of blood and revenge. 

Minseok was born human, the only son to a couple of "fanatics" as some people called them behind their backs. His childhood consisted of moving from one city to the other, home-schooling and nightly capers to hunt for the supernatural, flashlight clutched between his tiny, shaking hands. He didn't know if any better, didn't know the comfort of a real home, Christmas and Thanksgiving, friends and school. 
All he knew was the road, the laughter of mom and dad in the front of their caravan, the brilliant smile his mother gave him on his birthday while he had opened the small gift she had gotten for him, wrapped in newspaper. 

It was only when he had grown older, that he had realized, something was missing from his life. He felt debarred from the world that surrounded him, like an alien in a human skin. He knew so much about "the world behind" as his parents called it, about Vampires and the creatures of the night - and yet he felt like he knew nothing about himself and his kinsmen. 

The classic story would have started with "and so Minseok decided to leave his parents behind and live a normal life". And maybe, if that would have happened, his life would have been normal for real. The truth was, things like that only happened in movies and books. People manage to turn their lives around and everything will be fine. 
Minseoks life ended the moment, he committed a murder. 

It ended because he didn't have a choice anymore, couldn't explain to himself, how he ended up with his hands around his mothers neck, watching the life fade from her eyes. He didn't know why the sight of his fathers blood splattered across his own white shirt and hands felt like the most satisfying thing in the world. It was, as if someone had reached into his head and whispered to him to just do it. He had followed that command. 

His transformation into a Vampire was more of a prank than it was an act of revenge. Sometimes Minseok still likes to smile at it, looking back at the last months of his human life. 
He doesn't know if anything would have been different, if it really would have been an act of revenge though. Probably not. 
It was a prank, really, the vampire that had bitten him, had turned him and bound him to a master he didn't want. 
But maybe Kim Minseok had been born to be a Vampire, had been made to become a servant to a ruler. He knew more about the hidden world of blood and murder, than he did about his own after all. 


plot title here

° status, rating, genre, etc.

Donec eu tellus eget quam accumsan ullamcorper. Phasellus sed finibus dolor. Aliquam ultricies nibh dui, et pellentesque libero interdum luctus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc at vehicula mauris. Etiam in est ullamcorper, imperdiet lacus vitae, malesuada ante. Donec gravida turpis ultricies, malesuada sapien non, sodales urna. In enim orci, imperdiet sed nisi eu, imperdiet facilisis diam. Vestibulum tincidunt dignissim metus a sagittis. Morbi nec facilisis quam.

plot title here

° status, rating, genre, etc.

Mauris vehicula massa sodales aliquet mollis. Praesent quam est, interdum et felis sit amet, luctus consectetur leo. Vestibulum fermentum tristique massa. Duis ac commodo urna. Pellentesque consectetur ligula volutpat, tempus orci a, pulvinar ligula. Phasellus venenatis a nibh nec imperdiet. Praesent pulvinar sed sapien sed tincidunt. Proin risus nisl, vestibulum quis suscipit eget, facilisis non enim. Etiam a tortor vel leo elementum dapibus. Fusce sit amet risus ac risus vestibulum mollis. Suspendisse scelerisque blandit urna nec feugiat. Cras vitae dapibus mauris. Ut a odio aliquet, venenatis nunc eu, iaculis neque. Praesent at nulla hendrerit, auctor lacus ut, placerat nisl. Mauris faucibus dui in erat interdum malesuada.

plot title here

° status, rating, genre, etc.

Nunc sed hendrerit neque. Curabitur non ornare metus. Nullam eu porta lectus. In est ipsum, pulvinar ut gravida ac, facilisis non odio. Aenean faucibus cursus arcu, ac euismod ex porta quis. Suspendisse scelerisque dictum massa, vitae cursus odio accumsan a. In fermentum est sit amet tempus tempor. Vestibulum mollis dictum mi, et efficitur ligula laoreet quis. Proin ut fermentum magna, et gravida lorem.

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02 · Text here.

03 · Text here.

04 · Text here.

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06 · Text here.

07 · Text here.


Inspirational corner (as always)