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Masaya Kamawura/Hizaki
Lounge Performer
about me
When he was little, Masaya used to go around and wear his mother's beautiful kimonos. His father hated it. When he became 18, Masaya was kicked out of his house by his parents for crossdressing excessively. At the ripe age of 20, Masaya got his first job, working as a servant in an old rich man's house in Japan. The man was a part of the Yakuza and usually and abused Masaya. One day Masaya had gotten tired of his terrible life in the old man's mansion and so he had run away, but this time... The Yakuza was after him. On the streets, starving and exhausted... Masaya had been taken in by a gracious old woman that had accepted him for who he is. The Yakuza had finally tracked him down some weeks later and were on their way to kill him, he had to leave Japan for good. The old woman had given Masaya an ID Card with his new ID on it, she gave him several new dresses, a picture of her so he could remember her, some food for his journey, and the coordinates to the island where he would be safe. He graciously thanked her and told her he'd come back one day when he wasn't a wanted Yakuza servant and come see her. He then took his leave to the island.
As for Hizaki's backstory, he was once a boy that had a passion for show business. He grew up without his parents in his life, taking care of himself. Hizaki had a few odd jobs and followed his dream to become a performer. Some nights he sings and dances, and other nights he does a few s.

Masaya is a very sweet man, he is kind to everyone but he can be bitter somewhat due to the troubles he faced when he was younger.
Hizaki on the other hand is a bursting bubble of energy. Hizaki is energetic, motherly, dainty, obedient, and graceful. He is very much in touch with his feminine side. He's in touch with it so much that he talks in a soft and feminine voice sometimes.

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Vivamus in mi eget libero lobortis mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu tellus ac lectus venenatis consequat. Donec tempor blandit magna rutrum pellentesque. Donec tincidunt malesuada nunc sit amet posuere. Vivamus est metus, fringilla et tristique sit amet, dictum eu lectus. Nam luctus sapien quis sapien pretium, ac mattis lacus ultrices.

plot name - male or female - genre - availability

Vivamus in mi eget libero lobortis mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu tellus ac lectus venenatis consequat. Donec tempor blandit magna rutrum pellentesque. Donec tincidunt malesuada nunc sit amet posuere. Vivamus est metus, fringilla et tristique sit amet, dictum eu lectus. Nam luctus sapien quis sapien pretium, ac mattis lacus ultrices.

plot name - male or female - genre - availability

Vivamus in mi eget libero lobortis mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu tellus ac lectus venenatis consequat. Donec tempor blandit magna rutrum pellentesque. Donec tincidunt malesuada nunc sit amet posuere. Vivamus est metus, fringilla et tristique sit amet, dictum eu lectus. Nam luctus sapien quis sapien pretium, ac mattis lacus ultrices.

Suspendisse sem eros, bibendum a enim eu, hendrerit mattis dolor. Aenean at lorem maximus, porta urna sed, tempor sem. Nullam vitae nulla nunc. Morbi mollis urna quis arcu tristique venenatis. Sed vitae lorem rutrum, bibendum lacus mattis, tristique mi. Donec justo risus, vestibulum eget purus ut, ornare vestibulum felis. Phasellus et diam lectus. Curabitur in cursus lacus. Praesent dignissim augue in pulvinar imperdiet. Maecenas interdum, quam at maximus tincidunt, ante velit mollis ipsum, sed vestibulum leo lacus in ipsum. Integer et mauris id ligula aliquam commodo. Proin id ultricies lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus posuere consequat diam eu ultrices.

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name - plot summary - room - replied or not replied
name - plot summary - room - replied or not replied
name - plot summary - room - replied or not replied
name - plot summary - room - replied or not replied