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jennie kim ᶠ 49 seconds ago Reply

no Rose and I are getting engaged she's my baby daddy



  a bit about rose.

Her dream led her here. Her dream made her into who she wanted to be. but for her dream to progress even further she has to go through what most 20-something year olds have to do. go to college. Her dream of becoming a singer-songwriter caused her to the person she is now. your hipster, coffee addicted college student.

20 years old
college student
majoring in music composition

a rose by

any other name

would smell

as sweet

About chaeyoung

Chaeyoung enjoys long walks on the beach and having deep conversations. jk

since this is a dating webiste here's things you should know about park chaeyoung.

about. don't know what to put in a dating i guess let's start with an introdcution. my name is park chaeyoung, but you can also call me rosé. i guess it's obvious why we're all here on this dating web. to find love, so guess we already have something in common already! yay. (this was my petty excuse on trying to be clever) in a relationship, i'm usually the perky, happy go-lucky one of the couple. i like to see life in a positive direction. i can get pretty needy and adore attention, but i immediately give it back as well. throughout all my past relationships i've learned that mutual trust is key, so i plan on giving you my 100%, but the question is...are you? right now, i want to meet someone who's up for anything. someone would can spontaneously run off with me to some unknown location and just see where fate takes us. this isn't really a requirement because love doesn't really work this way, but it would be nice to meet someone who can try and explore new things with me.


as to relationships, i've mostly only been in your typical high school realtionships.  one day you think you're going to last forever, and the next thing you know he's disappeared from your life because of petty highschool drama. well now times are different and i'm not looking for puppy love. i'm looking for actual love. my friends tell me that i have my whole life ahead of me to find it, but i truly think it's what i need right now. as a future singer-songwriter i want to experience as much as i can right now. explore. have some fun. it might sound like i'm using love to help with my career pathway're probably right. as a passionate millenial, i want to see my future takeoff in the best direction it can. 

however, if i really do find "the one", i'm the kind of person who will abandon everything for's an issue...this is how i ended up in an---never mind...


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college life.

being a college student isn't the easiest thing in the wolrd, so one day-well more like around midnight you find the sleep deprived rose struggling to stay awake in one of the college campus' local cafe. it's obvious she needs something, anything! to help revive her energy, what will you do to help her? another shot of espresso? maybe a surprise serenade? or maybe even a secret trip? who knows where the night can take us.

+ open, action, drama, etc. 

first date.

finally, we were able to come up with a day to hold the first date. however, an audition opportunity that chae never saw coming decided to open itself up to her. with rushed and petty excuses, she pushes back the time. this isn't really the first impression rose wanted to make, but has no choice but to put her career first. now 2 hours after the meeting time, she runs up to you, with wild hair, a broken heel, and a heart thats about to pound out of her chest due to the audition she just took. the carnival is long over and many places are starting to close down, but hey we're already here and you kind of think the look she's pulling off is kinda cute?

+ open, drama, romance rating, etc.

love song.

it's not everyday someone writes a love song about you, but you were important enough to rose for her to write one for you. but the catch is, she never wanted for you to see it. when she finds out that you accidentally read her lyrics from her notebook that she had left open, she goes crazy. making up little white lies, rose tells you it's not about you, but who else who she be able to write a song about?

+ open, romance, rating, etc.

The big house.

an innocent outing takes a wrong turn and we find ourselves in the back of a police car. there's a slight chance that we might have to stay at the police station overnight just because of paperwork. it's okay since it's only one night and it's not like we're going to actual jail, but that guy in the jail cell next to us is giving me a weird look...

+ open, action, drama, rating, etc.


6 years. it's been almost 6 years since we've seen each other. we were the type of best friends everyone wanted to be. actual best friend goals. but, then high school grew us apart and we went our separate ways. now 6 years later, it might be fate that i find your profile on the dating website. maybe it's time to reconnect again...let's just hope you remember me 

+ open, possible romance, rating, etc.

Title Here.

Curabitur nec leo id tellus laoreet rutrum sed non libero. Integer id malesuada lorem. Sed pretium, nisi eu maximus porttitor, tortor justo semper turpis, eget consectetur sapien felis sit amet nulla. Pellentesque aliquet at nisi et sodales. Pellentesque leo sem, tempor vestibulum orci quis, interdum fermentum metus. Cras vel tincidunt metus. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi mollis euismod nisl, vitae tempor orci pellentesque id.

+ status, genre, rating, etc.

Title Here.

Curabitur nec leo id tellus laoreet rutrum sed non libero. Integer id malesuada lorem. Sed pretium, nisi eu maximus porttitor, tortor justo semper turpis, eget consectetur sapien felis sit amet nulla. Pellentesque aliquet at nisi et sodales. Pellentesque leo sem, tempor vestibulum orci quis, interdum fermentum metus. Cras vel tincidunt metus. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi mollis euismod nisl, vitae tempor orci pellentesque id.

+ status, genre, rating, etc.

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