Personal Message
{ name } / m or f / (o/-)
{ name } / m or f / (o/-)
{ name } / m or f / (o/-)
25 yo
1st / para
Bongyoung was born and raised in South Korea and for as long as he can remember, he has always been dancing. His mother used to joke that he danced right on out of her the day he was born. Dance was just part of his genetic code. He started to take formal dance classes when he was 8 or 9 years olD. He took five years of ballet, three of ballroom, and a year of miscellanious genres like the salsa and the tango. Out of all of them, Ballet was his favorite, but as he got older and entered his teens, he discovered street dancing. The style wasn't anything, really, that he had experienced in his classes; it was unique. it was free. the dancers bound by any one style and he felt like he wasn't watching a dance, but rather learning about the dancers through the dance; he was seeing them and their story. During his middle school and high school years, he focused solely on street-style of dancing: b-boying, popping, locking, krumping, and on forming his own narrative of dance. He started to dance at a local studio in Seoul, learning from various choreographers with their own unique styles and when he graduated from high school, he continued to dance there. However, he was growing tired of simply replicating, even with his own spin, what was being gave to him. In his free time, he continued to choreograph his own dances, but he never got a chance to really showcase his owrk until 2012, when a few of the choreographers he had grown close to decided to leave the studio, wanting to start one of their own and they wanted him to come along, not as a student but as one of them. He has been teaching classes at that studio ever since.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a arcu sed metus maximus ultricies. Aliquam vel metus a nunc porta volutpat dignissim non nisl. Aliquam posuere tellus in nisi interdum, molestie congue nibh tristique. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed nec finibus nulla.
