Personal Message

basic information

the shorthand stuff.

name: park seul.

Date of Birth: 03.03.1989.

Age: 27.

Location: seoul, south korea,

Occupation: ulzzang / model.

Orrientation: heteroual.

Relationship Status: not looking.


about where i'm from.

Vestibulum ac maximus odio. Curabitur mollis pharetra massa id porttitor. Sed elementum malesuada dolor a elementum. In eget sem dui. Aenean sit amet sem mollis, rutrum quam ac, sodales metus. Nullam aliquet dapibus massa quis pulvinar. Nunc libero ante, viverra eget fringilla in, consectetur ultricies ligula. Aenean porttitor sem in pharetra commodo. Morbi cursus laoreet quam, id maximus lectus dapibus in. Nulla lacus ipsum, elementum non nibh vel, hendrerit facilisis est.

Etiam lacinia vestibulum mattis. Fusce in tempor dolor. Etiam sagittis volutpat accumsan. Mauris ut nisi eu tortor pretium viverra quis a erat. Nunc condimentum orci et nibh volutpat, sit amet aliquet arcu consectetur. Proin et nulla vitae tellus vestibulum accumsan. Fusce justo sem, congue vel ullamcorper ut, blandit at urna. Quisque non est nec risus posuere fringilla. Maecenas vel mauris tellus. Cras neque nibh, tempus sed felis a, tincidunt aliquet lorem. Nam mauris massa, aliquet ut nisl eget, rutrum sollicitudin nibh. In euismod vel ex ac bibendum. Cras at lorem eu elit varius cursus eu ut erat. Vivamus at massa et ipsum pulvinar dapibus.

Nam vestibulum congue volutpat. Morbi tempus ligula nulla, eu tempor mi facilisis at. Aliquam porttitor diam sed eleifend lacinia. Vivamus at neque et purus blandit elementum. Donec sagittis pellentesque enim sit amet lobortis. Sed nec ligula arcu. Donec tempus at libero ut aliquam. Praesent nec iaculis tellus. Morbi luctus feugiat blandit. Cras tempus vulputate dui, at scelerisque purus dictum rutrum.

In ornare cursus tellus ac fringilla. Integer vestibulum molestie convallis. Sed id condimentum neque. Phasellus quis mauris in mi mattis dignissim ut id ipsum. Fusce sagittis, sem non eleifend iaculis, lorem mi interdum dui, a volutpat magna purus ac massa. Etiam sodales finibus elit vitae varius. Donec sit amet interdum felis, vitae convallis erat. Maecenas ultrices ligula elit, vitae malesuada orci consequat non. Donec ultricies nisl est, sit amet vestibulum leo iaculis ut. Etiam sed dolor velit. Proin volutpat mi quis eros aliquet ullamcorper. Ut scelerisque posuere libero, at luctus turpis aliquet ac.


about who i am.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec et nisi dolor. Sed commodo hendrerit ante, eget placerat urna porta id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce nulla felis, condimentum a enim gravida, sagittis ullamcorper arcu. Etiam ac rhoncus mauris, sit amet lobortis ipsum. Integer est nunc, facilisis gravida nunc nec, tempor pharetra felis. Nullam cursus mauris ut blandit venenatis. Integer ut metus libero. Sed aliquet finibus nisl, sed lacinia ligula condimentum blandit. Duis ultrices quis velit non eleifend. Etiam commodo facilisis nulla, et sodales lectus volutpat ut. Nunc at magna consectetur, euismod sapien non, fringilla arcu. Nullam ullamcorper, justo in dignissim luctus, est nulla suscipit augue, vitae dignissim neque lacus et nunc. Mauris mattis iaculis sapien, sed suscipit arcu consectetur at.

Vestibulum sed orci ac est ultrices elementum nec vel enim. Proin in ante sit amet mi posuere aliquam sit amet eget sapien. Aliquam mi lacus, accumsan eget lacus id, consectetur efficitur purus. Pellentesque porttitor urna eu enim gravida vestibulum. Donec non posuere ligula. Nunc nisl erat, venenatis ac leo eu, porttitor rutrum leo. Ut pellentesque quam vitae tellus sodales ullamcorper. Vestibulum cursus neque enim, egestas porttitor massa eleifend sed. Morbi eu diam scelerisque nulla efficitur cursus laoreet vel nisl.

my beloved

the love of my life.


Donec sagittis rutrum orci vitae fermentum. Curabitur semper tellus sed mauris vehicula, vel ultrices justo mattis. Integer et diam vitae tellus blandit ultrices et in velit. Duis vitae diam quis erat sollicitudin luctus a eget arcu. Fusce id arcu euismod felis dignissim interdum. Nulla maximus orci justo, vestibulum suscipit sapien posuere id. Mauris urna purus, luctus non suscipit at, egestas eu mi. Etiam maximus rhoncus eros at consequat.

my family

those who know me too well.

my friends

those close to me.

behind the scenes

about the typist/writer.

I. Paragraph.

II. Text here.

III. Text here..

IV. Text here.

V. Text here.

VI. Text here.

VII. Text here.


a few plots.

one way ticket.

open. male (0/1). comedy, fluff, possible romance.

unusual celeb plot where he’s famous and she’s not even a fan of him. They meet one night at a club and she flat out tells him she’s not interested. He doesn’t take no for an answer though and spends the rest of the night trying to get her attention. Reluctantly, she gives him her number so he leaves her alone. Little does she know that he’s on a mission to get the one girl that doesn’t want him. So he sends her flirty texts, cute little gifts, and even sends her plane tickets to come out to see him. She decides she has nothing to lose and just enjoys the ride while she’s on it. BUT NOPE SHE’S TOTALLY NOT HAVING ACTUAL FEELINGS. SHE HATES HIM.


open. male (0/1). romance. possible angst.

She has always had a crush on him. Who wouldn’t? He was everything she’d dreamed for, everything that every girl dreamed for. Meanwhile, he never even so much as looked at her direction. He never even so much as noticed her existence. Fast forward to their high school reunion some years later. She’s grown into everything he wants: strong, beautiful, successful, well-made. But she no longer wants him. She’s grown now, and she can hold her own; she’s over the silly crush that she had for years, years ago.


open. male of female (0/2). friendship, fluff. possible comedy or romance.

where one person is actually famous and sets up an account with their real picture and the other sees it and is like, oh dude you are not fooling anyone with that picture (because srsly trying to catfish someone with a really famous person is hilarious and cute because the profile also had some really dorky info about liking model trains and farmers’ markets) cue an online romance and when they actually meet the other is pissed because DUDE YOU’RE THAT FAMOUS PERSON and the other is like, yeah, i mean, i thought you knew…


open. male or female. (0/2). rivalry, angst. possible friendship or romance.

 A is not pleased to find out that popular ulzzang Seul is casted to co-star as the female lead in their newest drama. they're an A-list actor, a widely loved one at that, so they don't understand the producer's decision to choose someone without any prior acting experience when their name alone is enough to guarantee success; there is no need to cast an ulzzang in addition. A makes it their mission to show Seul where exactly she stands - nowhere near their level.

Title here

Status, genre, rating, etc.


Title here

Status, genre, rating, etc.


Title here

Status, genre, rating, etc.


Title here

Status, genre, rating, etc.


Title here

Status, genre, rating, etc.




















— nam joohyuk 4 seconds ago Reply

u know I got
You seul bby

— song dahye 26 seconds ago Reply

seul you're my favourite ; ; ily

— jeon jungkook 1 minute ago Reply

@— park seul s creams cute ily already < 3

— park jimin 2 minutes ago Reply


— park jimin 2 minutes ago Reply


— kim hyuna 8 seconds ago Reply

stamps "hyuna's seulmate" on seul's forehead

— lee huitaek 7 minutes ago Reply

i love you seul

— park chaeyoung [A] 6 seconds ago Reply

rosé loves seul too s mooches her

— chen le 2 seconds ago Reply

if i am older i want to have a lover whos as pretty as seul