Personal Message



★ Motto:

if we believe in nothing, if nothing has any meaning and we can affirm no values whatsoever, then everything is possible and nothing has any importance.

— camus

full name loki laufeyson

aliaskim Jisoo

date of birth unknown

age mmortal (appears 23)

place of birth asgard

zodiac unknown

mbti infj

occupation villain

orientation biual

relationship status uninterested



muse level


writing quality


reply speed


ddmmyy who i am

What good was being the son of odin when he wasn't even a legitimate heir.  When in fact he was the son of Odin's enemy, hidden away in shame because of his diminutive size.  Upon the death of his biological father, Laufey, Loki was taken in by odin and raised alongside Odin's son Thor.  

Where Thor was lauded for his impressive skills and spirit in doing things well, Loki was oft recognized for his misdeeds.  He enjoyed playing tricks, especially on his brother whom he developed a strong sense of jealousy towards. The young god, whilst weak looking and frail compared to the grandeur built of the other gods of asgard, excelled in other things like cunningness and sorcery.  

as one of asgard's most skilled sorcerors, loki excells in magic and has the ability to shape-shift, cast astral projections, energy blasts, illusions, flight, and teleport, amongst other things.  While he is not as physically capable as other asgardian gods, Loki does have an impeccable amount of strength.  But most of all it is his wit and intellect that helps him the most, as he uses it to play tricks on others.

As Loki became older his antics increased in both quantity and extent, until odin sent him to jail, that is.  However, Loki escaped and sought to learn black magic from a sorceror named eldred.  Fueled with jealousy, a sense of inferiority, and determination, his ultimate goal is to become the sole ruler of asgard, whether it meant eliminating anyone who stands in his way.  But to do that, Loki realized, he had to step back a little and look at the bigger picture.

that's how he took on the alias of 'kim jisoo', an unassuming young man that looks a little rough around the edges.  While loki devises a plan to have asgard's throne, ji soo is a private investigator, sleuthing around and finding secrets for his own gains.


ddmmyy my beloved

lover image

Vestibulum elementum venenatis orci, at sollicitudin turpis tempus vel. Suspendisse sagittis nunc euismod lacus consectetur, a venenatis risus consectetur. Etiam lacinia fermentum quam, eget ultricies neque accumsan in. Etiam varius gravida lacus, eu consectetur nisi venenatis in. Suspendisse sagittis purus vel justo imperdiet, vitae malesuada nisi imperdiet. Morbi malesuada turpis non ipsum imperdiet tempus. Duis ornare pellentesque commodo. Praesent mauris massa, consequat fermentum turpis at, tempor tincidunt orci. Duis dignissim urna sed convallis suscipit. Duis vitae nisl egestas mi auctor posuere mattis ac eros.


ddmmyy keeping tabs

wherewho status

wherewho status

wherewho status

wherewho status

wherewho status

wherewho status

wherewho status


ddmmyy what i'm like

He's mischeivous and playful, yet with a calm exterior which doesn't break under pressure...on certain occasions of course. When everything goes according to plan, or he's saved by his wit, he remains calm.  

Haunted by his childhood, and the feeling of insignificance, Loki feels both vengeful but also seeks the approval of others.  His jealousy both motivates and hinders him from showing everyone his capabilities, and he projects them in a manner that is rather destructive towards others.  to compensate for the feeling of ignorance, Loki believes that he has a grand purpose in life, which tends to give him a heightened sense of self.  Because of this he can become rather hyperfocused on actualizing his goals.

Because he is by nature the god of mischief and 'evil', there is a side to him that enjoys inflicting destruction and pain for his own pleasure.  his trickster tendencies also make him a skilled liar.

upon first impression, he's surprisingly kind. however it's only out of courtesy, a farce to conceal his wicked nature.  He tends to keep his distance from others at first, preferring to keep an eye on them from a distance before seeing how he could use them for his own gains.  he may grow attached to some people, however, it is rather rare.


ddmmyy behind the scenes

001 / catscradle aka fi or naf.
002 / timezone is gmt --5, is most active on weekends.
003 / juggling work and school on weekdays, thus i'm on mobile most of the time.  most active after 2pm, but will pop in here and there at odd times.
004 / script and para are both preferred.


ddmmyy a few scenarios


Maecenas tincidunt consectetur malesuada. Integer dui magna, aliquam non justo nec, malesuada pulvinar neque. In non ullamcorper odio, eu viverra risus. Sed sit amet porta lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam aliquet sed tellus nec rhoncus. Fusce euismod mi quis nibh interdum, a mattis lectus euismod. Aenean laoreet quam eu tempor porttitor. Nullam vel feugiat eros.


Fusce ex sapien, feugiat id blandit a, mattis a tellus. Mauris tempus mollis mauris, nec sagittis mi ornare sed. Cras viverra eros at est consectetur interdum. Duis commodo felis vel dui euismod, non ullamcorper arcu congue. Mauris ac odio in nisi sagittis auctor. Morbi massa dui, tristique ornare mollis vitae, pellentesque sed ante. Vestibulum leo neque, mattis eu lacus semper, dictum convallis felis.


ddmmyy my beloved

