Personal Message
sehun's mate
Surfer | assistant
cedarwood and cacao, like sitting by a fireplace with a nice cup of hot cocoa. comforting, sweet, warm
this is me
just let me live.
it all started from their younger years. their parents attempting to not coddle them, whispered arguments that it could affect their outcome. whatever the outcome may be. they didn't want an omega in their family, the family that seemed fit for all. a beta mother, an alpha father, the chances of an omega - a wolf at that - were slim to none. their childhood was fine - a carrot cake for every birthday party. a handful of friends that always came, the number dwindling to two. and then to one. their chinese friend had to flee the country when they'd gone to high school. it tore jongin's heart apart. they went through their first year with their retainer, so happy to finally have their braces off, their wisdom teeth out, things were starting to look up. until new years of the year they turned fourteen, puberty hitting them and flooding the home with a sickly scent of sweet. cacao was supposed to bring happiness into ones palette, decadent memories put at the forefront, but it made their parents gag. they'd failed them. so they said.
they were a beautiful boy, no doubt in anyone's mind. no doubt at all... except their own. they wanted to be known as a beautiful girl, too. was that so hard to understand for people?
so beautiful that people were touchy - a boy in their school going too far. an alpha, trying to place claim on the unsuspecting omega, thinking that it was what jongin wanted. the young person already was struggling with an identity crisis, waking up each morning not knowing whether they would feel sick being called a he when they felt like a she. having to dread wearing baggy clothing and boxer briefs that they sometimes wanted to switch for a female's . he'd been called a that day. the alpha having caught a peek of the underwear that jongin had stolen from the clearance rack at the local target. jongin would never be the same after that day. coming home with a split lip, dried on their face, hair a mess and eyes puffy from crying. their parents looked at their son in poorly masked disgust. it sickened them to know that their 'son' had been taken advantage of so easily.
jongin thought the torment was over, but no, not until they walked into school from being gone a full week. watching people stare at them from their phones, pointing to the screen and their snake like gazes flicking over to their face. jongin started to feel queasy, like they all knew what happened.
they did.
pictures of their body fell from their locker when it was open, cascading down onto the floor, filling him with dread and regret.
jongin dropped out of school that day. they became he, after rigorous counseling, they became the everyone thought they were. an omega with a taste for . of course. it was all his fault.
it was only till of late that they'd become comfortable with themself, with the help of their alpha, oh sehun. the only one that had been there through it all. jongin loved him. kai loved him. jongin was he. kai was loosely she. but all around, they were princess. they were baby. they were Oh Sehun's.
and jongin loves how they were finally accepted.
calm, cool, very friendly. unless you overstep the boundaries they've set. it has taken them a while to accept themselves for who they are, and if anyone leans against their being, then they will be written from jongin's life very quick. they will call anyone out. but other than that, jongin is very forgiving to the majority of things, loving unconditionally and enjoying the company of everyone. They are hopelessly in love with Oh Sehun.

                                            He got me a puppy; his name is Lotus
i will not do romance rps unless we've rped a lot. Please don't poke me for rp replies. give me time. i'm really nice [ i like to think ] so don't ever be afraid to talk to me? i'll always talk to you guys. preference is 3rd pov. i'm a novella BUT i do appreciate smaller rps! you do not have to match me and if you don't want to particularly to novella writing, no problem. I will match your length instead <3 favorite genres are angst, violence. only just started doing plots and it's new for me.
gmt -5 [ est ]
1st detailed/3rd novella, multi-para, para



  α° oh sehun 1 minute ago Reply
me: brea-
jongin: shut up

α❛ resident nutter 4 minutes ago Reply
My whole gay is crying. α❛ resident nutter 31 minutes ago Reply
And of course my 1000th post is dedicated to Jonginnie, the light and sunshine of my life, the sweetheart who makes everything better, my (soon to be) wife, baby mama and little baby, the sweetheart and the love of my life. I don't wanna be cheesy because everyone will gag but, is greasy regardless so it's gonna make no difference anyway so just cover your eyes folks,

Anyways. Nins.

From the very beginning you'd already stolen my heart and made it yours. You shone the darkest parts of my mind with your radiance and showed me the way out without realizing it, and you're always so effortless at takkng my breath away. I know I can be a loser sometimes, an embarrassment even, but trust me on keeping you happy because that's all I want for you. For you to be happy. I'm returning everything you've done to me - from being my friend and the one I can trust with all my heart, from being there when I need you (like when I'm too scared to move because of the thunder) and when I need the succ ofc - with a vow that I, Oh Sehun, will forever cherish you as my one and only. Forever's a long time bud, so you're not gonna get away from me anytime soon.

I love you, Jongin. I'd get on my knees and propose right now but that'd be so corny I'd die on the spot,

Anyways yeah haha clears throat marrymesoonlol
:-) *self explodes in the count of 3*
α❛ resident nutter 2 minutes ago Reply
Anyways holy mother of. Aphrodite. Or whatever. Kim Jongin. No, my Oh Jongin. MY Jongin. You're so ridiculous. You make my ribcage squeeze my lungs out, you make happiness gnaw at the edges of my heart, I bleed. I bleed from sheer happiness and the craziest part about it is that I love each wound you left on me. I make no sense. metaphors. I'm just so in love I can safely say the world doesn't matter to me anymore when I have you, you, the prettiest, kindest and the most amazing person on Earth.

, bye. I need to soak my face with cold water,
  α❛ oh sehun [resident nutter] 1 minute agoReply

Jongin: /)///u///(\ 
My brain: Nut 
Me: No wait he's bein cute
My brain: NUT ANYWAY

