Personal Message


seo youngho (johhny)
25 yrs. 9th feb • ex-pole dancer •
 wolf • alpha • hinoki cypress 
fur : midnight black
eyes- Champagne Gold
the past
The war came to an end despite the two races reluctance to co-exist, but they had no other choices beside following the Divinity's commands like the puppets controlled by fate, stripped off free will to disobey. And thus the two races; humans and wolves, came to co-exists. Not a day passed where the species would collide with each other at matters very small. It was harsh but not impossible. As there were arrogant bastards in both human and wolf species, there were also kind, generous, and lovable ones too. That was the beginning of a sad love story, a family slaughtered, the struggling life of an orphaned son.

The first generation head, after the war, of Seo clan was a young, free spirited, compassionate, and kind alpha. He was very handsome as well as talented. The most wanted bachelor. But no one could grab his attention until one day he encountered the most beautiful being he ever laid his eyes upon, his father would often brag him instead of telling him bed time stories, in a winter morning. As a child he loved listening his father retelling him how he and his other father met, fell in love and how lucky they were to have him as their child. Those were the blissful moments which, unfortunately, lasted for a decade worth. The day he turned five, Hades knocked at his door and nothing good ever comes out of his visit. He pleaded his parents to organize a party for him-- nothing grand though. A feast just for themselves. He was very much excited the night before. Surprisingly he was born at the day break, his father always reminiscing how happy he was when he was born and the sun rose, calling him his sun. But as soon as he came down stairs, it was quiet. The dining room was decorated; pink and white balloons, a giant sparkling star hanged from the ceiling, and gifts nicely wrapped sitting on the table, but no one was there. The moment he walked further did he found his parents dead bodies, the pristine white floor painted crimson, the essence of life gone cold. At the dawn, his nightmare began. He cried, and cried, his cries turning into painful howls. The day he represented as an alpha.

He was a child back then, but wolves children were smart at a young age. It wasn't hard puzzle to solve; the murder of his parents. An insider, a traitor, because the security of Seo's clan was top notch and no outsider without a guide could pave through the maze that was Seo's head's residence. Avenge your parents, Youngho. Kill the traitors. The wicked whispered alluringly in his ears. And he wasn't even resisting to he lured into the dark.

At the age of 13, he was rather built for his age, he took over the head spot, playing the sweet innocent child that adores his clan, not out for the traitor and if it meant to annihilate the whole damn clan he would.

as dark his past might sound, Youngho was not that dark, save the hatred towards the clan and may be he somehow developed issues trusting older generation wolves, but he still tries to overcome the fears. It might be that both his parents had given him enough love, or showed that there are people deserving his trust, sympathy, companion, and if he were to lucky, his unconditional love also but that seemed like a daydream. Youngho wasn't a sad case, nor a cunning one with two personalities. He is real when he interacts. He is real when he offers help. He is real when he offers a shoulder to cry on. He is not real when he's around the clan only.

Career decision. Honestly it was out of whim. He was taken to a club by his highschool hyungs, and he immediately fell in love with the art. Since his father, the one who gave birth to him, the human omega, was a dancer of a traditional art ( which he thought is too much and isn't interested in so never pursued) , he decided to learn the different dance style too. Again, he was the heir so he really had no problem making it his profession..

Currently enrolled to the university-- majoring in performance arts and minoring in business and trade. Living in Gangnam district in an luxury apartment. He decided to quit competitive pole dancing after his third championship win. And it was time he gets back to his work and responsibilities.
1. He isn't your typical alpha. He's more feminine looking than omegas at some point that people who meet him for the first time asks if he's an omega or a beta , though his tall, lean but build figure says things other wise people still are baffled at his Alpha status. Besides he loves ing up gender roles. There's also the fact that his scent is of hinoki cypress. The aroma is primarily woody, it also evokes a lemon, fruity scent, also a bit of burnt pine wood.
2. Because he lost his parents at the dawn of his birthday, he is grumpy when sun rises. He doesn't celebrate his birthday. He's extra pissed on that day specially. Though most of the time, he would lock himself in his room and mourn over the loss.
3. He doesn't show it but he's always hurting yet he tries to live to his fullest with a few people he cherishes in his life.
4. He won't go friendly with wolves as they meet. He needs to warn up-to them, no matter how harmless the other party might seem, but there is always an exception. If he deems a wolf in need of help deserves his help, he'll gladly help even if they're strangers (his father was a wolf too an he isn't that heartless to innocent beings).
5. He is afraid of falling in love, trusting someone, and more importantly he is afraid of being a part of a person's life only to leave them in the end because after all those years, he still is seeking revenge for his parents. And he is afraid he won't live if he ever finds the traitor. He doesn't want to hurt the person he might come to cherish the most and vice versa.
6 Just because he isn't open to commitment, doesn't mean he's a damn . He enjoys the rush of hormones and getting high at places no sophisticated citizen would go. An adventurer, a reckless one.
7. He is loved by the younger generations of the clan, dubbed as 'papa johnny' 'uncle john' ,as the head he's the father figure kind of thing. He seriously adores the younger ones.

my plots
Title | M/F | (0/1)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Title | M/F | (0/1)
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Title | M/F | (0/1)
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
Title | M/F | (0/1)
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet.
my friends
my sweet nightingale
baby you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I can not now fathom the thought of a life, heck, momet, without you. you are the reason I now look forwar to wake up to, to see your beautiful smile. the lilt of yout laughter, your stupid jokes, and failed attempts to appear inocent. everything you are, I like you. I love you my sweet nightingale
rp tracker / past dps
Name | Plot | Location | Status
Name | Plot | Location | Status
Name | Plot | Location | Status
ooc corner
gmt +5:30. she/her.llavi in short. 1st detailed and 3rd para to semi paras, both. prefers plotting. comfortable with most genres except romance unless I truly love your writing. Poke me after five days though I'll try to reply as soon as I can but just in case. don't hesitate to express your ideas and opinion. respect me ooc. I'm very nice, I promise.


ω❛ jung jaehyun 27 minutes ago Reply

@α❛ seo youngho THIS BUT. Hey you, yes you. This is for you because you took me by surprise and I wasn’t prepared for anything. Hoo, so okay here it goes. The problem is, I at these too. I tend to ramble a lot so I’ll put this up at a different way. There’s just this one song that remind me of us, listen okay.
“When the moon found the sun, he looked like he was barely hanging on. But her eyes saved his life in the middle of summer.”
I remember you telling me how gorgeous you found my eyes were, but I don’t agree. I think the most beautiful eyes are yours, golden and bright, too big of a contrast to my dark and gloomy ones. I love how they shine when you’re happy and burn when you’re mad. It’s just so beautiful that from the first moment, I found myself drowning in them. And you know what, that Romeo and Juliet crap kinda fits us (but without the dying part please), and we kinda didn’t plan it to turn out like this but it did and I’m so glad it did because you’re the best thing ever. Shush, you’d disagree and say it’s me but no, for me, you’re the best, the most invaluable. You irrevocably changed my life and probably for the better. I’m no poet, so I can’t grace you with as much compliments like you did to me (you sap) but lemme tell you that what I feel for you is unexplainable and I can’t think of any word to describe it, babe. I love every moment we spend with each other, and how we tend to agree on similar things. You know what, yeah we do fit. So yes, love, definitely.

p.s. I already did, but yes here too ♡♡♡♡
p.p.s you should listen to the song and the lyrics, lol i kinda laughed at how it fits. It’s one of my favourite songs. ( )