Personal Message

Jung Hoseok, 24, bi.
Gang: warheads
Position: Hitman
Occupation: Librarian
Bio: Jung Hoseok was born swimming in a handful of problems, the first being his mother. She didn't want him, she had gotten knocked up young and figured a baby would ruin her life. Hoseok can't really blame her for leaving him at an orphanage, though he transitioned between foster homes until the age of twelve. The streets were never safe back then, but Hoseok didn't care much for his uneventful life of being bounced between uncaring homes. He'd stay out till dark with friends, steal small items from candy stores, you know, the usual shenanigans hopeless children fed into. It was a night like any other when he'd been snatched up right off the sidewalk. It didn't take much to knock a twelve year old out chemical-wise. It was morning when his eyes opened, rays of light assaulting his retinas between leaves. Hell, he couldn't even block out the light with his hands, realizing they were tied behind his back, which was additionally tied against a tree.

Being quite naive, he thrashed around, not aware that there were others around him. They planned on throwing him into some -trade from what he gathered and that he better play along if he didn't want to be killed. Too bad he already had nothing to live for. That's when 'he' came along. The only person Hoseok would ever call 'father' from that day on. The grown man was a hit-man, someone who killed for hire and it seemed as if he'd just gotten down with a job in the forest when he strolled into another situation. Yeah, a group of creepy e businessmen ran at the sight of all the blood already on the man's clothing, noting how he grit his teeth into a crazed grin, hands fidgeting on his blade which it was apparent was still soaked in his last victim. Hoseok was near tears as the others left him -not that they were any better, but they didn't have a ed up face like that! It was within moments that the man's face returned to normal, concerns bombarding Hoseok's ears when the rope binding him was cut. From that day on, Hoseok never left his side.

The man taught him everything he needed to survive, especially how to kill because it brought in five to six figures per hit. Taught at a young age, it's obvious Hoseok turned out a little ed. He typically chose to have with his victims before ending them, a certain touch he added because hey, they probably wanted some happy last memories and he liked a little too much sometimes. Hoseok was definitely the type to imagine having in every position possible, every place as well. One thing he refused to do was force himself on someone- Call him a saint who murdered right after. In fact, he usually got to know his victims romantically before getting the deed done. He wasn't the type to ambush his killings, though he would if needed. Otherwise, he works as an everyday librarian to avoid suspicion, not that police really gave a damn about crime in this city. And if they did? Well, Hoseok always did want to have in a cop car, maybe he could convince his way out of those handcuffs while bouncing on an officer's lap. Fantasies aside, you shouldn't mess with him. He can go from zero to one hundred in two milliseconds flat.


Random plot: 
A cop calls hobi by accident while going through some leads and he pretends to be a phone operator just to play (we can flesh that out more)

Ooc notes: this will probably never end up in a legit profile bc I'm far too lazy and all the words are here.

I write 3rd pov, para to novella. Hoseok is a switch bc I can write him as a top or a bottom.