Personal Message
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—背景 background
Oh Sehun is the complex result of family status and pride of his bloodline. Not only he's an alpha, he's also the leader and the only male heir of the Oh family, burdening him with pressure from his family. As though as it seemed like he was handed everything over like a spoilt brat like one of those rich kids, it wasn't the case at all. He was trained and formed into the way he is with rigorous amount of study sessions with his tutor, seeing the elder male who taught him everything other people learns at school more than he sees his own parents, then being taught to behave the way he's supposed to, believing only what he should believe and seeing the world how his family's little point of view sees it with great emphasis on sticking through it all. It's the things like traditional values of the hierarchy, how conservative and closed off things are within their household, and deep inside it scars Sehun simply because he feels like he should disagree.

But then again he'd grown up like that (or at least he pretends to understand), and it's how he got into the medical field to be chasing his parents' dreams and being the 'apple of their eye', making them proud by climbing up the social status and power, which what seems to be the thing they crave for the most. He passed national university tests, earlier than people his age normally do, graduate when he's only beginning to learn how to think for himself. He starts thinking about things only then, secretly broadening his views on the world more than what his parents would've bargained for, which they would openly oppose to if they were to find out. The thought of disappointing them was like an iron collar around his neck, because truthfully, he's not brave. People take risks for things they want, but it's not as easy for Oh Sehun. Never.

He's now working as a pharmacist someplace he actually likes, but it seemed like this life didn't belong at him at the first place, putting doubts in his head wondering the right time to turn things around and escape the prideful needs of his parents upon him. Only time will tell the moment he gets that one opportunity to walk away from the daydream to which he feels more like a nightmare that suffocates him breathless.
—个性 personality
At a first glance Oh Sehun might look cold and expressionless due to the resting face he sports 24/7, but one would have to get to know him a bit to realize that he's the complete opposite. Though he can't blame anyone since he walks around smelling like leather and expensive cologne (Acqua di Gio to be specific), being either full suited or only in designer brands, looking like he doesn't belong anywhere else but in high class territories - an intimidation of some sort for some people. He's not that humble, and he can be a bit too narcissistic at that as well (the boy knows he's beautiful), but he does not boast about himself either. Personal things about him are kept quiet unless he's closed with someone, when he might get a little bit too talkative then. Expect him being full blown flirtatious, and consider him dangerous since he gets what he wants. Most of the time.
—情人 lover
my omega, kim jongin. the first time we met, i was already infatuated, with who you were as a person and not for the way you looked like, and it went on for so long even up until now, when you grew up to be the prettiest omega i have seen in my life. it was unbearable back then when i remember that someone so ethereal is out there walking on his own, with others dying under the mercy of a beautiful being such as you, just like i was. without thinking much, all i could do was being with you, being there for you whenever you needed me, thinking it's enough to fill the empty spaces of my heart. but then you became my first kiss, my first love and my first everything. without realizing, both of us tangled up in some sort of unspoken... declaration of love, somehow, and it made me so happy for a while. but that couldn't top off the day i've confessed to you, and when you tell me you felt the same. i could never be happier than that. and now that we've bonded, we're also soulmates - and i promise, i will take care of you until the end. god, please don't take him away from me. not once, not ever.
—朋友 friends

—出字符 out of character
My timezone is GMT +8 but I get on at irregular hours. Para replies are often times a bit slow during weekdays since I'm a bit occupied with classes then, so expect to see me around with little to no long replies during that time, though I can still let my muse strike a convo or two. I mirror the length of your replies most of the time, but don't feel pressured to match mine. And as usual, plotting is kindly appreciated so hmu!IBERO.




"Who is this nerd iconic motherer?" you may ask.






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α° oh sehun 1 day ago Reply 

A mini poem by Me

Most people find banana 
a kind of delicacy
But to me, is better

α° byun baekhyun 1 day ago Reply

holy all of the lines had 7 syllables :o

α° byun baekhyun 1 day ago Reply


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ω❛ kim jongin [h] 8 minutes ago Reply
then ing knot me already; i haven't let anyone else. /it's said as his cheek runs along the pole, teeth digging sensually into his bottom lip. fingers running up the warmth of the metal, before his hips sway forward to gyrate slow, sinful, and smooth against it. his body twists, hands still high above his head but his back is pressed to the pole. head tilting back and back arching beautifully, the perfect c-curve coming from him as he stares directly at you, and only you.

β❛ shin hoseok 7 minutes ago Reply

ω❛ jung jaehyun [A] 6 minutes ago Reply

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ω❛ kim jongin 5 hours ago Reply
when will sehun openly call me his boyfriend and put us up there

ω❛ kim jongin 27 minutes ago Reply
/taps watch at sehun

ω❛ park jimin [A] 8 minutes ago Reply
sekai so cute i wanna take off dating ban from them

ω❛ kim jongin 5 minutes ago Reply
nuts at daddy sehun

ω❛ kim jongin [sh] 6 minutes ago Reply
α° oh sehun 13 seconds ago Reply 
i love this man.

ω❛ kim jongin [sh] 1 hour ago Reply

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ω❛ jung jaehyun [A] 12 minutes ago Reply
sehun literally nuts at everything nini does-

β❛ kim myungsoo [h] 9 minutes ago Reply
if i were sehun i'd nut

ω❛ park jimin [A] 6 minutes ago Reply
sehun invented nutting