
Full Name: Moon Bin
Age: 19
Race: Human
Secondary : Alpha
Occupation: barista, student
Background: Bin had always been fairly popular when he was growing up, but it was due to his friendliness, not the expected charisma of an Alpha. That's why until he presented as an Alpha, most of his classmates, assumed that he was a Beta or even an Omega. He was a determined student who took part in his school's music program, often singing in the choir and staying after school to teach some of the underclassmen how to dance. Being the son of a wealthy family, he didn't find much trouble in getting into and paying for University, where he will study music, but he decided to take on a job as a barista of a local coffee shop so that he wouldn't have to be so reliant on his family for money.
Timezone: EST
Writing Style: 3rd POV, semi-detailed