
Full name: Kunpimook Bhuwakul
Age: 19 years
Race: Human
Secondary : Beta 
Occupation: Dance instructor
Background: Kunpimook's family had always heavily been steeped in the art of dancing. His father was a dance instructor as well, his mother had been part of a dance competition team, and his siblings were also dancers. They often preformed together as a family, and Kunpimook had always enjoyed the activity. His family had always been supportive of him in whatever he wanted to do. However, he always felt pressured as the youngest in his family to live up to the expectations his parents had on him and his older siblings. He wanted to be just as good as them, if not better, but they always saw him as little Kunpimook. He became a dance instructor and helped his dad out when he was 17 and has been teaching dance ever since. He still feels some pressure, but he won't give up and will keep pursuing and perfecting his dream.
Time zone: MST (USA)
Writing style: 1st & 3rd, anything but mostly para