Personal Message
Kim Jongin
Did you ever fear as a child the shadows on the walls at night? or perhaps the wind when it would rattle against your window as if demanding for entrance. Maybe it was the monsters in the closet or the ones ready to nip at your toes from under the bed if you didn't cover yourself with your blanket properly. Or is it the adult life that frightens you now? Taxes, bank statements, paying out more than you're getting in and for what? Perhaps its the thought of commitment that gets your skin crawling - It doesn't matter either way, your real nightmare has arrived and his name is Kim Jongin.
Aka Kai, the man started his journey down this path a long time ago, though the decision was not his to make. Even if you asked and by some miracle Jongin agreed to tell you, there's nothing about his past that he really remembers all too well. If you're looking for a reason to explain why he's turned into the monster he is now then you're going to be sorely disappointed. No abusive dad, no drunken mother, no death unexpectedly, no torn apart siblings or restless and abusive childhood. He tells the same old fibs when it suits him, like to his psychiatrists he likes to spin off different versions of the fables to, enjoying when they'd argue with one another about the "truth" they'd been told. 
Fat lot of good therapy has ever done for him anyway. I digress, you might be wondering how someone who's only now bordering on his thirties has managed to grab himself hold of one of the most successful casinos the world has ever known. When he wasn't spending his weekends in a nice padded cell, Jongin was learning the true ways of the world out of his sheltered home, how men and women lived for one thing and one thing alone. Money. He learned from the bottom to the top how to work people like you work a machine, how to tease from them their inner secrets and truths and then twist them for his own purposes in order to get what he always came for. 
A long time ago he was the pet to someone else, yes, but he was never owned. And now with the old man dead and Kai as the soul heir (as he has been for over a decade now), the casino has never been better. ​More entertainers of varying kinds, more hosts flying in from all around the world just to get a glimpse of the magic that takes place at lotto... Its a disneyland for the very rich and a shining beacon of annoyance for the poor. But for Jongin, its his castle, his fortress and if you're trying to take it from him, then you best rethink your life choices, he's not exactly the forgiving kind.
He's a sadomasochist to say the least. He can derive pleasure from both equally and he's less than apologetic for it too. He's got a sick sense of humor that has lead to many a nickname, 'Joker' being one of them, 'Lucifer' being another. Depending on your purpose very much decides what kind of side you'll see of Jongin, a striving employee? He'll reward you handsomely. An idiot trying to pose as a threat? You'll be learning the full meaning of megalomaniac, of psycho, of Kim Jongin by the time he's through with you.
Pry if you must to try and find out the true story of his past, just make sure you do it on a good day otherwise you'll be paying and not the kind of payment with money either. Do not bore, Kim Jongin, he cannot even begin to explain how boredom drives his already insane self into a deeper sanction of the state, I mean, why do you think he does half the stuff he does? Its a lot of effort you know, ing with people's lives to the point they have amusing, bloody ends, god he loves those best. So have your fun, try your hand, but you've been warned.
Oh, and don't mess with his toys. Toys especially like Byun Baekhyun, he doesn't take kindly to people getting their grubby hands on things he's worked so hard to shine up to be admired. Got it? Good.
I Want To break You
Pellentesque consequat pretium risus vel sollicitudin. Pellentesque libero sapien, lacinia id tristique nec, commodo et nulla. Vestibulum vulputate at est sit amet tristique. Nunc posuere nec purus at eleifend. Suspendisse leo nulla, finibus at augue ut, dictum dictum libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam aliquet in orci et lacinia. Ut fermentum ullamcorper faucibus. Sed ornare venenatis nisi, sit amet convallis enim accumsan a. Phasellus congue imperdiet nisi, non sollicitudin eros ultrices non. Sed ut elementum justo. Ut magna felis, dictum et enim et, blandit commodo justo. Sed et viverra nisi, sit amet mollis velit. Duis interdum quam orci, eu ullamcorper purus luctus in. Mauris laoreet est vel suscipit consequat. Duis nulla ligula, lacinia non rutrum eget, ultrices quis sapien.
Mauris pellentesque nisl in felis pretium luctus. Mauris at auctor magna. Suspendisse porttitor vulputate faucibus. In ut orci tincidunt, laoreet tellus ac, luctus mi. Vestibulum semper varius massa at bibendum. Suspendisse a risus hendrerit, efficitur orci ac, varius nulla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent est quam, pharetra vitae sodales a, imperdiet quis elit. Mauris mollis mi mi, vitae maximus ex dignissim sit amet. Aenean lobortis elit id nulla blandit tincidunt. Vestibulum scelerisque, nisl eleifend porta pretium, enim lacus laoreet justo, ac aliquet neque diam at sapien. Vestibulum in tristique tortor. Morbi vestibulum tellus sed nulla accumsan, finibus tristique nibh fringilla. Cras feugiat ac massa quis vehicula.
playing cards
