Personal Message

Kim Jisung, 22

Wolf, Alpha

Tattoo artist

Background: Jisung was born in a family of two wolves, an Alpha and a Beta, both of which well known in the creative districts in Seoul. The motherly figure - an actor in the theater and director of many of the plays, the fatherly - a renowned artist.

Character: Not really the bad boy he looks like. Yes, sure he works in the underground scene, but his spirit is pure and free.

As an Alpha, he is confident and used to be in control of himself. While he might seem dark and mysterious, he is in fact simply too concentrated while working or studying. Art is his passion, so it's only understandable. He is honest, even blunt when he sees it fit, and he does his best to be realistic even in complicated situations.

As a friend, he is reliable and loving. He will protect anyone he cherishes and will provide them with his utmost support. When it comes to relationships, he is completely inexperienced for he isn't really interested for the time being. While he is ually active, he wouldn't get in a relationship that doesn't involve honest feelings.

y time: Loves to satisfy. The rest you'll have to figure out and explore together with him ;)

Likes: Noodles, coffee, hand-sharpened pencils



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