Personal Message


I'll tell you over fresh meat and cuddles.

About Me

Comes with a warning; handle with care. Have a tendency to talk too much and tease relentlessly. Will try to bribe you for food so make sure he is always fed. He is a playful kind and never take anything seriously, yet he loves to talk about serious things. He contemplates himself. Once you are deemed as a friend, he will love and care for you and bug you. So beware. He might be a mix of a wolf and a koala for how much he loves to cling to people especially the taller ones.

Despite what's been written up there, Daehyun is a guy who loves to read and stays in the forest to avoid crowds. He is shy at first glance, worried that he might annoy people and has a tendency to turn into a tomato if teased too much. His passion is singing, just like his idol Snow White. Yes, he watches too much disney movies. Being born as a Beta teaches him to fend for himself and live only for himself. Overall, he is that awkward kid in school who tries to be the class clown.


We kept meeting each other while hunting and
You stumbled on me singing in my secret garden. We fight over the owner of the place and decides to share. Somehow we start to talk about each other and become closer.

Plot 2 // 0/1 // (Student/ Teacher)

Plot 1 // 0/1 // (Student/ Teacher))
I'm really curious how you look like as a human. Stalking you seems like the best idea at that time.

Plot 3 // 0/1 // (Student)

He thinks the guy he likes is going out with someone else and drags you to do some stake out with him. He pushes you to act as his lover to see if the other gets jealous. Can end with romance.

Plot 4 // 0/1 // (Teacher)
He meets you before he enters the school and immediately idolizes you. It's pure luck that you teach his class. Yet, he feels jealous when he sees you giving your attention to others and starts to do random mischievous things to gain your attention as well.

Plot 5 // 0/1 // (Student)
He made bento for himself and you steal it from him. After tasting it, however, you find out that it tastes horrible. You then drag him to your room so you can teach him some cooking skills and ends up bickering over how to flip a pancake.

Plot 6 // 0/1 // (Student/ Teacher)
One person visits the other to learn how to have because he can't seem to get it up with girls. Insert some and practical trainings and maybe (certainly)

Plot 7 // 0/1 // (Student/ Teacher )
They used to be close before a misunderstanding that sever
e their relationship. When they meet again at this school, one becomes hostile to the other which still seeks for forgiveness.

Plot 8 // 0/1 // (Student / Teacher)
You think I have a cute and you keep on bothering me about wanting a taste. Can be vice versa.

Plot 9 //0/1 // (Student/ Teacher)
He sees you waiting every day at the same place with a longing look on your face and gets curious. He finds out you are waiting for a lost lover and decides to help you forget.

Plot 10 // 0/1 // (Student/ Teacher)
We went hunting and one of us got hurt (hunters, traps, etc). The other stays and we have to make sure to keep each other alive.



 Full Name: Jung Daehyun
Age: 23
Race: Wolf
Secondary : Beta
Occupation: Masseur
Background: Jung Daehyun had never seen his parents, yet it was never a problem to him. He was raised by a loving grandma until she died when he was 18. He had been working and studying after, moving from one part-time job to the other, doing anything for money. 
Never one to shy from conversations and touches, he was a friendly and clingy wolf. He loved to take care of others.
Timezone: GMT +8
Writing style: 1st pov/ 3rd pov/ para