

20 years old


tattoo artist


biography. | about me
(he hadn’t brought much the night he left. he’d brought his savings, a backpack with some clothes, and a picture that felt heavy in his pocket.)
he needed to move to the city to explore, to find a better job, to study more art, to find himself. that’s what he told his family. it’s what he told anyone who asked. at some point, it must’ve been what he told himself.
in the city, he found himself a small apartment, got himself hired and fired from a few jobs, before ultimately finding himself leading the needle and sinking ink in people’s skin. it was a job that he thought fit him quite nicely; he was a great lover of art, and an even greater lover of the body.
in the city, he found himself some friends – a group of people who he could trust. a group of people who he could spend reckless nights with. a group of people that did as much stupid as he did, who spouted the same bull off their tongues. in the city, he found himself a group of friends he would never have imagined getting involved with back at home.
in the city, he slept in other people’s beds more than he did in his own. he slept with humans and wolves, with omegas and betas and even, sometimes, with fellow alphas. his position as an alpha always had people coming, always had them sticking to him, serving themselves for him to taste. which was just was well. which was just what he needed.
in the city, he almost couldn’t stand being alone. he couldn’t stand not doing anything. because the absence of a distraction called for an avalanche of thoughts and really, really he could never breathe under those because –
in the city, he struggled to forget.
(yet the picture was always with him, folded in his wallet, carried with him wherever he went. in retrospect, he really should have left that picture back at home. maybe then it would’ve been easier to leave the memories, too.)
see, back at home, in a small town away from the city, there weren’t many people. home was filled with humans, and more often than not, betas. other than that, home was a routine; a steady, unending, unchanging routine that stretched from days to months to years. home was living but not feeling alive. except – except when mino was with his best friend. he made him feel alive.
back at home, mino had been the first alpha to be announced in many years. coincidentally, his best friend had been the first omega.
back at home, mino was warm and content and happy. perhaps, that’s what happens when you fall in love with a best friend.
(in retrospect, he’d been just as in love with his best friend back when they hadn’t been alpha and omega as he was when they were. bonding was so easy and so right. mino knew for sure, even then, that it was so, so right. on the night they first whispered ‘i love you’, the moon their only witness, they took a picture in the dim nightlight of mino’s bedroom.)
back at home, mino hadn’t seen the signs and mino hadn’t understood. he had been in love and he was loved back. they had been happy yet, yet in a flash it was gone. his love was gone. mino hadn’t seen the signs and mino hadn’t understood. his best friend did not explain, nor did he leave a note. he just pulled the trigger.
back at home, he didn’t feel at home anymore.
(he hadn’t brought much the night he left. he’d brought his savings, a backpack with some clothes, and a picture of a broken bond, heavy in his pocket.)



biography. | personality
mino is, first and foremost, passionate. he has a passion for arts and is always willing to explore it, any form or style of it. he is not easily distracted from art, but easily distracted by it.

other than that, he enjoys connecting with people. he believes people themselves are art – believes some about how everyone has pieces of themselves that are of different shape and color, but come beautifully together as a whole. he enjoys getting to know people, he’s rather polite, friendly.
he’s frankly also quite a troublemaker. although serious when it comes to work, mino plays hard. and he plays a lot. he also has a lot of mischief in him, very teasing when he has loosened up. he does a lot of reckless things, mostly because he likes to have new experiences. despite his spirit though, and his being an alpha, he is not aggressive and would rather avoid fights. he’s not quite temperamental; however, on the occasion that he does snap, he is an explosion – loud and powerful and destructive (and, well, hot). but, just like explosions, his anger doesn’t last very long, and he is quick to feel bad and try to make things right.
lastly, he is careless. he doesn’t think of the consequences of his actions before doing them. he is also careless in a sense that he is too caring. he has misplaced his trust dozens of times, yet he still has his guard down. he is loyal to the people he cares for, protective over them. and, despite being known for his smooth tongue, and for his habit of sleeping around, he is a deep lover. once he falls in love, that’s it for him. he drowns in it. it is just that, he hasn’t been brave enough yet to be near the water again.


name of lover | here
date | here
ship name | here
our quote | here
baewatch story. | lover
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Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae,





out of character | notes and plots
+ hello! please call me dove.
+ gmt +8
+ 3rd pov, para/multi-para/semi-novella
+ i try to be as active as possible, but some days i        can't help but be busy.
+ if replies come slow, i'm either busy, working on      it, or working on something better.
+ poke me whenever you're done waiting!
+ always, always down to plot & rp, so please just        hmu! 
+ shy and awkward but i'm nice i swear ;;

PLOT TITLE | marked
GENRES | romance,  

it has been something you’ve always wanted to do, or perhaps it is something you decided on a whim. either way, one day you decide you’re going to do it: you man up and decide you’re going to get a tattoo. once you get there, mino is there ready to greet you, and more than ready to offer his services.

PLOT TITLE | baby boy 
GENRES | , d/s

you and mino have met some time ago, and have also ed a few times. recently though, mino’s started a habit of giving you orders, and praising you if you obey. he’s even started calling you a new nickname. it’s new for an alpha like you, to be controlled and taken over and used like an omega, but you play along anyway.

PLOT TITLE | benefits
GENRES | friendship, , slice of life 

after meeting mino awhile back, you two have become friends. in fact, you’ve become more than that. neither of you knows how it started, and neither of you knows how it’s going to end. it’s just that, that one night you two decided to just to get some steam off ended up happening again, and again, and again, and again –
PLOT TITLE | fragrant
GENRES | , h/c, romance 

you have always been smothered in those scent-hiding perfumes, have always been taking heat suppressants. however, the day the suppressants suddenly stop being effective and the heat rolls over you so strong that no perfume could possibly hide it coincidentally finds you in front of mino, an alpha who sniffs you out the second it happens.
PLOT TITLE | secrets
GENRES | friendship, h/c, slice of life

after a long night of drinking, you find yourself with mino, a friend of yours. you two have a drunken conversation; secrets and wishes and ambitions are spilled here and there. the day after, you don’t talk about it. and nothing is quite the same, not after the things you’ve told, and the things you’ve heard.

out of character | tracker
name | plot | where
name | plot | where
name | plot | where
name | plot | where
name | plot | where
name | plot | where